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Latest Questions (Page 27)

What is VX-548 (suzetrigine)?

What is the MOA and half-life for Rinvoq?

Can a medication restore thinking style?

My thinking became entirely verbal after breaking down from stress and I can't sleep anymore. It was all abstract and in images before but I cannot function with the verbal thoughts (mostly negative and focused on myself). I can't plan, solve problems or do anything this way and its made...

I am currently on birth control pills Apri and never missed a pill. Yesterday I was on my 7th pill.

I been on this pill for 2 years. Never missed a pill. I got worried and took an emergency pill yesterday for protection. My bf did not used a condom. Did I do okay, taking the emergency pill or was I protected with my birth control pills? I take my pills every morning same time. Thank you,

Has your vision improved on Prozac?

I've been dealing with extreme stress/anxiety/depression for some time and my vision has gotten quite blurry with high eye pressure and firey head sensations. I also see halos around lights and its hard to see colour contrast as well. Despite these changes the optometrist said there was...

Can cephalexin cause an odor coming from your body? I'm smelling an odor all the time?

The odor seems to be coming from my nose.No one else can smell it but me.

Supplement interactions with meds?

Can ashwagandha be taken with the saved medication list?

How much does Opill cost?

Venlafaxine - I have recently gone through an 8 week weening off of effixor and as of today I...

... started having weird reactions. Is it normal or safe to physically hear your eyeballs shift and feel a vibration while they move? Is this a withdrawal symptom or should I seek medical attention?

Amlodipine alternatives for better drug interactions?

What other nausea medication are out there that won't have as large of a drug interaction with simvastatin, carvedilol, tamsulosin, tramadol, dicyclomine, and hydroxyurea?

Does Eliquis cause itching with no rash?

Been on Eliquis for three months. After a month started experiencing itching like something crawling under skin. Dr. Wants me to switch to Xarelto but I explained they both have itching as side effects. Its the only new medication I have taken and no changes to diet. What to do?

Is it safe to take Wellbutrin with Ozempic?

i am planning to start on Wellbutrin. i am currently using Ozempic. Are there any adverse side effects or drug interactions I should know about? The only other meds I am on is an ACE inhibitor for blood pressure.

Ambien - I have been taking zolpidem for 20 years at 10mg. I decided to start tapering by a quarter?

... tab. On day 2 and so far doing fine. Next month (or sooner) I will taper down to a half. I will let my doctor know I want only a 5 MG prescription when my script needs renewed. Then hopefully taper down to a quarter or none. Has anyone else tapered down like that?

Swelling in my whole body?

When does the swelling leave my body after stop taking the medicine. My thighs and stomach are swollen a lot.