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Latest Questions (Page 26)

When can I use fluconazole?

How important is the time I take my meds each day?

I am concerned about the time to take Cartia and Evista.

Pantoprazole - Can taking pantoprazole cause urinary tract infections?

I have had chronic UTIs since taking the drug and want to know if the drug is causing it.

Is there a weight loss medication in pill form?

What drugs are ACE inhibitors?

Interactions with my Rx drugs and over-the-counter vitamins?

I am needing to know which of my over-the-counter vitamins are not OK to take with my prescription Rx’s?

I take 50 mg tramadol every other day that helps me to sleep also. Is that bad for my health?

I have kidney issues, stage 3.

What time of day should I take losartan?

What time of day should I take losartan

When is the best time to take fesoterodine?

Tetracycline use for anus?

There is a yellowish white liquid coming out right from my back hole, and it really hurts, that I can’t even pour water on it. I think it should be acne but due to its location, it’s been so infected. Anyway I don’t know how to treat it. Appreciate if you help me.

Does Pepto-Bismol help with diarrhea?

Tramadol 50 mg tablets you and I?

Can I split tramadol 50 mg tablets uni in half if they are scored in the center?

Can I mix Xanax with Zithromax or Rocephin?