I have been on 5 mg of Lexapro for about 4 years for anxiety and to help with IBS. I do not want to be on this anymore as I have learned how to cope with the anxiety and honestly don’t think it ever did anything for the IBS. I cut it in half for a few days then just stopped taking it. At about 6 days I was feeling dizzy and like electric current was in my face and randomly through my body. I thought maybe I should have done it slower even though it was 5 mg so last night took 2.5 mg thinking I’d stay at that for a while then try to get the liquid maybe. I woke up with terrible head pain and body aches in the middle of the night feeling exactly how I did when I very first started Lexapro! I feel worse now and am not sure if I should stop altogether again and just see what happens or take that 2.5 mg dose and suffer through the side effects I had the first time I got on it. Any thoughts or insight greatly appreciated!