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Can prednisone cause muscle spasms in your back and stomach?


endlessPred 4 Nov 2012

Hello George. Depending upon how high your dose is it could do that. But this happens at high doses.

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Will help you more once I get your response. :-)

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GEORGIEH62 4 Nov 2012

I had a hip replaced in May and then in July it was cleaned out from a staff infection. This is November and I still have pain in my groin area. The doctor believes it muscular not the replacement. So this past Friday they gave me a steroid shot and started me on 2 5 mg tablets of prednisone a day.Could this be causing the muscle spasms.

endlessPred 4 Nov 2012

Hard to say. 10 mg per day isn't much, but everyone is different.

However, are you doing your physical therapy daily? If that leg is favored, you can cause an imbalance with the back muscles and that would give you spasms. Either way, I find heat helps me. I use a heat pad that goes in the microwave. I got it at Walgreens, fairly inexpensive. It has a clay core and that holds heat much longer than other devices, doesn't need electricity attached so you can be anywhere in the house, and its density can form to your back, etc.: very nice.

Prednisone usually affects the legs first and you tend to feel very heavy legs when walking, like your shoes have weights in them. But I find that at doses over 30 per day. See if your exercises help at all. Check with your doctor if you are using any pain meds whether over the counter of prescription as prednisone can be tricky. You can look up its side effects in the drug list above.


Anything more you want to know? I do,hope that you get some relief soon. The infection you had sure would take a lot out of a person. Karen

GEORGIEH62 4 Nov 2012

They told me to stop the exercises for now, because they thought I had stranded the quad muscle or even torn it. That's why I was having so much pain in the groin area. This muscle spasm thing has only started yesterday and today.I am taking no pain medication at this time.

endlessPred 4 Nov 2012

George I think you have pin pointed the spasms. No NSAIDs on prednnsione so acetaminophen, or whatever your doctor allows would be good for aches. The prednisone takes a bit of time to kick in. It is to reduce inflammation, and may help a bit for the discomfort. It is not the source of the spasms judging by your information. However, a quick call to your doctor is your best bet. We aren't doctors here.

Strained muscle sounds like one more thing for you. When life gets that way for me I watch a comedy or sing or play a game with the family. Got some options? Hang in there. At least the infection cleared. Karen free discount card

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muscle spasm, prednisone, muscle

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