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Please tell me when do you take Luvox?

4 Answers

Praisemaker60 5 June 2022

Before bed, just starting. 2 weeks ago

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angel1662 22 Aug 2012

I to am taking luvox I have a host of mh issues, ocd, major depp, bipolar etc... I have been taking luvox for 2yrs and doing good on it I was always told by any doc I seen the best time to take is bedtime, hope that helps, they probably just assuming tell u to take it at night cause it can cause a bit of drowsiness and if taken at night u will sleep through it and not feel like crap in morning, I no I don't feel bad when I wake up, but I would like to up my dose this week when I see my doc, cause I feel as if 100mg is helping but I think a higher dosage would be more beneficial!!Hope that answer helps some

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Less Than Human 4 Sep 2011

When I was on it, taking it at bedtime meant no sleep, so I took it in the morning, as per my pdoc.

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DzooBaby 1 July 2011

It is recommended that you take the dose at bedtime. Is that what you were asking?

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luvox, obsessive compulsive disorder, anxiety and stress

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