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Phentermine 37.5 mg - Has anyone taken more than one 37.5? If so what happened?

3 Answers

boou1 20 May 2015

I take two 37.5 mg phentermine pills a day. I started the first month with just one pill and it didn't work for me anymore. I feel just fine, it's ddeffanently safe to take more than one ( although I wouldn't exeed more than two ), back in the day that's what they took anyways. Phentermine is not only for people who are obese it is also for people who need to learn how to control their appetite by curbing it and when you've reached your goal weight, then you ggradually... Gradually ease yourself off of it so the weight doesnt come back. When I started taking it I was 190 pounds. My biggest weight was 240 but when I got to 190 I couldn't do it with diet and exercise alone. Within 3 months of taking phentermine I reached my goal weight of 145. Lots of diet and exercise, although everyone loses weight differently and I seem to lose it fast when I cooperate with myself. I wish you the best of luck.

Votes: +0
Inactive 8 July 2012

Usually that is the time released version of generic adipex. If you feel it is NO longer working, and you are seeing a dr or diet clinic with a dr, you might ask to try Didrex. It is another appetite suppressant and I personally have done better on it. You still have to cut calories with either. I am using a good diet clinic and they monitor your progress and do a group peep talk and explain the meds role in weight loss, and how it is actually the cutting of calories that causes you to lose weight, the med is simply an appetite suppressant. Didrex will cost a bit more, but it may work, if the phentermine seems to have stopped working. Drink water and eat pulpy fruit, those help fill you up and keep you from stopping up. Patti

Votes: +1
bumblebee90 8 July 2012

Interesting and useful answer Patti. Of course you always give the best. How in the world are you girl? I hope all is well in you're world. Hope you are having a decent weekend. Take care, Best wishes, and thinking about you. Ruthie

Inactive 8 July 2012

I am fine, thank you. I think it was pledge who wrote that phentermine will only work for a short time, so give that credit to him. Patti

bumblebee90 8 July 2012

Patti, No..I was actually talking about the Didrex. Anyway. You both give great answers. You're two of the people I enjoy reading responses from. Take care, Ruthie

Inactive 8 July 2012

You 2 Ruthie. I am fighting the battle of the bulge myself. When I was young, I was so thin drs would k me to try and gain weight. I hit 45, got much heavier, but at 50, even worse. I now am built just like my mom, with a belly, and it is affecting my back and my health. It's not just vanity that made me attempt to lose my belly, it is to improve my backs strength by losing the weight gathered at my middle. It is slow going but the didrex is helping me and major changes in what I eat and how much. Patti

Inactive 7 July 2012

Hello Mdsox. Its not advised to exceed the 37.5mg dose. The side effects to doing so could be fatal and in as a much that the dose itself will not help the drug to perform any better. Regards and be safe, pledge

Votes: +1
bumblebee90 8 July 2012

I totally agree with Pledge. I took 37.5 mg for 3 months and I wouldn't even think about taking more than that. Very dangerous. Ruthie

Inactive 8 July 2012

Hello Ruthie, thin isn't always better. Phentermine can be a nasty drug in regards to side effects. Have a wonderfull Sunday, I'll be watching some golf and of course on the grill. My wife went "home" to Florida for a few days and I am a king of my domain ( the dogs are my cheerleaders) Go grill up a storm Daddy! Talk to you :-0)

bumblebee90 8 July 2012

Oh Pledge... You do spoil them dogs. lol I'm almost jealous of them. see ya

Inactive 8 July 2012

Pledge, some demonic nut case tried to kill 2 of the gators in D'Olive creek. They shot one with a firearm and the other with an arrow. I am unsure of which ones got shot. One is definitely dead, but due to poor writing of the reporter who did the story, it was unclear whether the one who got shot with the arrow actually died. I am at Dave's now, but when I return home, I will try to see if I see Oh Snap... Do a google image search for D'Olive creek in Daphne, you may be able to find an image of that creek, maybe even Oh Snap!!! Maybe do one for D'Olive creek gators, it may show him. Patti

Inactive 8 July 2012

Hello Ruthie and patti. Getting ready to fire up the grill, I was to busy answering older questions about shock "therapy" It is a hot one here and I'll do that patti, check it out. Sad it truly is. I know about gators coming from Forida but you know that and its old news. I remember living where we did in Florida , people moved into the area, they came from Virginia and had any gator that crawled onto the banks out of the canal that happened to wander onto thier land call the state and have them removed. A new law back then was that "a nuisance gator or deemed to be such" is trapped, then killed. And Ruthie, I know, our dogs are family. I have a wedding in the fall coming up and my wife will stay home and watch the tribe. No kennel. Much like now, she heads south and I stay put. And we both would not have it any other way. Have a great ladies, bye bye now. free discount card

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