for 2 years i have been prescribed dilaudid and oxycodone last visit just the oxycodone and it not working any suggestions on a break through drug im having to take more oxycodone to keep the reduce the pain and i dont want to take just oxys
Can oxycodone and dilaudid be prescribed at the same time I was told only one fast acting at a time?
Question posted by ljfaircloth on 12 Aug 2012
Last updated on 19 October 2018
8 Answers
Sorry but I'll be more direct. No doctor is going to start you at 30mg of Oxycodone and Dilaudid. S/he doesn't want you found dead when you stop breathing. You have no history of any pain medications and it would be medical malpractice to put you on such a high dose medications from the very start. I have been on OxyContin and Fentanyl for years and they could not wait to start lowering my dosages. I will grant you that Dilaudid and Fentanyl are not the same but both are respiratory inhibitors and just as deadly. Oxycodone is also a respiratory inhibitor. You would have been stepped up over a longer period of time.
They weren’t started out on these medications/doses. They worked up to this point. So I’m sure they have quite a tolerance. The problem they are having, the Dr. suddenly stopped prescribing the stronger med (Dilaudid) and left them with just the oxycodone and now they aren’t getting much pain relief (due to the tolerance built).
Right now, I am helping a friend that just had a triple by-pass and a valve replacement (Not mechanical) with live tissue. she is taking #2 dilaudid every 8 hours, and 10mg oxycodone, in between. I came here to see if there were any bad side effects, from the combination. Seems my questions were answered, but any additional info would be appreciated, Thank you.
it can be given at the same time but its not going to be very effective and its not something a smart doc would do its like fixing a broken leg and the doc putting a cast on and then a brace over the cast. u need to stop the oxycodone first and work ur way down on the dosage before going just on oxycodone because the dilaudid is a much stronger drug so that's why ur still in pain ur body is basically taking Tylenol compared to what its been taking ur switching the drugs backwards if ur going to stop taking fast acting altogether then that's the way to go but if ur still trying to not be in pain then u need to switch the pills around that's my advice.
I was on oxycontin and had a second medication added for break thru pain. It took a few tries to find what worked for me. I tried oxy fast, oxy ir, diladuid, and percoset. I found that the diladuid worked best for me. The acetametophine in the percoset was affecting my liver so had to change. Everyone is different so be careful as to what you take and be straight up with your Dr. That being said my Dr said only one med for break thru pain. Good luck with your decision.
Yes,7yrs ago I fell this of course was after several car accidents& hurting my back at work. Anyway ive never been much for aspirin or even lortabs/vicodins&percocets.Those meds just never did anything for me. I have osteoarthritis,cervical stenosis,spondylitic stenosis,pinched nerves,fibromyalgia,sciatica,three herniated disks in my lower back and buldgingvin my cervical&thoracic. I went in and was wrote for k4dilaudids &30mg oxycodone. I have since been upped in my qtys. Its been 7yrs that ive been taking these.I used to get 90 xanax bars but now they cant write for benzos. I get 150 k4s & 90-120 30 mg oxycodones. And ill tell you my tolerance is up there I wish i could get more!
Want to sell some of those??
So I would love to talk I am on 15 1/2 no more then six oxey day and dadlotid for break thought I have use the dadlotid because I am not sure how to use both.
If you take more than you should, you may jeopardize your relationship with your Dr. If he/she discontinued the long acting med there must be a reason. I would have you ask the Doc why this was done, or maybe you already know? This is a very good breakthrough med, it's the long acting base you may need. Hope this helps.
Ok, so ur dr has been prescribing u both of these meds and now he wants to take u off dilaudid?? Did I read that right?? If so, u need to tell him tht u need ur dilaudid's back cuz its not workin at all with jus the oxy's. I'm sure he'll either put u back on it or find something else? Wow I haven't heard of dilaudid's in a long time. If you go to the dr let me know what happens,k?
Its not common to be on 2 fast acting meds, but a long acting and then a fast acting for breakthru. In the hospital setting, this would be common, with one being for more severe pain then the other. Are you seeing a pain management doc. Usually using fast acting meds like that isn't how chronic pain is treated.
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