I currently take 0.5mg of Klonopin twice a day and have been doing this since January. I miss counted on Friday and I didn't have enough tablets to take .5mg twice a day Saturday and Sunday. So this morning I skipped a .5mg dose since I only had one tablet left. I noticed about 30 minutes ago that I was starting to get agitated, shaking, heart racing and slight sweating. So I just took my .5mg tablet that I saved for tonight and the feelings are going down. My question is, does this happen often to people who have taken Klonopin for a while and then miss a dose? Also does this mean I'll never be able to get off of it if I cant even miss one? Hope someone can help!
Missed one dose of 0.5mg of Klonopin. Feel strange?
Question posted by RyanT91 on 29 July 2019
Last updated on 2 August 2019
You have become tolerant to it. I would recommend only taking it as needed because eventually you’ll have no benefit plus be addicted.
Unfortunately this is more common than even some health care professionals realize. Question: do you have a refill? Since it's less than one day then the pharmacy should be able to fill today. If you don't have a refill then I'd call your prescribing doctor and explain this, be straight up and just tell the truth. Klonopin is a very addictive benzodiazepine and sudden withdrawal can be hazardous to your health. I don't want to scare you but you need to realize that this condition must be addressed. Not everyone reacts the same and if you are not familiar with how your individual symptoms then the best thing to do is get in touch with a doctor's office. Don't try to "ride it out" on your own this first time... get advice from a doctor or pharmacist. It's not anything you want to guess at.
This does NOT mean you will never be able to get off of Klonopin. It just has to be weaned from at a slow taper. That's a different subject for a later time.
Oh... best regards and please let us know how you made out. When and if you are ever ready to taper off please do a lot of research or ask here.
I figured in would respond to you and let you know that I went back on the Klonopin 0.5mg twice a day but ever since I missed that day and a half I have not felt the same. I was doing so well with my treatment and now I feel defeated again. Almost like a switch in my brain was flipped. I don't really know what is going on with me but how could missing a day and a half cause this much harm 3 days later? I don't understand. I have been on it forn7 months and my body is so sensitive to medication that I have rare side effects all the time from different drugs. What should I do? Should I just continue it and ride this wave out? Did I permanently damage my body and now I'm dependent on it? I guess I have so many questions. You should also know a week before in missed that day and a half. I stopped it cold turkey for 6 days. Then I started taking it again for 6 more days. Then ran out and missed another day and a half. Now I'm where I am now.
Do I need to allow time for it to get back into my system since I basically shocked my body by stopping it? Thanks so much for your help!
I have a friend that was on Klonopin for JUST three months (from around Christmas 2018 to March of this year) and she is very sensitive to meds too, however with a strong willpower and my couching and support she was able to get off of this terrible merry-go-round. She realized very quickly that her brain/body was NOT the same as before her childs birth. She recognized that it was Klonopin. She WAS seeing a psychiatrist and if it was up to him he wanted to push her dose even higher! After I told her about my 17 plus years on Xanax (a different benzodiazepine) and the trouble I had then I started to heavily research and compare the two drugs. What I found out is an enormous amount of information is out there about the dozens upon dozens of possible side effects related to both meds. From short-term memory loss to feeling like your head and brain are frying (her words) and racing thoughts.
Point being: she was able to completely get off ALL doses of Klonopin after a very small and easy weaning. She did it and so can you. We weren't born with that chemical in our body and sometimes to different people there's completely different reactions to it. Myself, I went from 4mg a day (1mg every six hours) to .5mg twice a day to .25mg AS NEEDED! With Xanax. That "as needed" is very important! I was in the habit of 'just taking it'. That was my downfall.
To some up, you relapsed probably and then your body was craving the artificial chemical instead of it's own dopamine. Then your body needed a heavy dose after 6 days and you relapsed.
You CAN do this. It's just a matter of how.
I think that you can friend me on here somehow and we can have private conversations. I'd be happy to try and help you and give you all that I learned AND went through. After all, the friend I referenced is just an internet friend and we never met but it still worked. I think the support we get from others who have "been there" is very important too. I'd be happy to answer any questions, if I can.
Best regards
Yea I just know it's not normal for me. I know this sounds crazy but I know my OCD anxiety. I've had it my whole life. It takes a traumatic event or a big change to really set me off. So the fact that I am getting these horrible feelings and then depression comes in, is not something I've ever experienced. I just keep saying it must be the klonopin. It's the only thing that makes sense. I just dont know if I'll ever go back or if I'm stuck like this now, with random anxiety, until I take more. Frustrating and doctors dont want to believe me when I tell them I know my body and it's not just my anxiety. It's being induced by something. And then telling me that klonopin has a long half life and that wouldn't happen. Clearly they need to update themselves on benzos because it definitely messes me up missing just a little bit. Also I added you as a friend.
Thanks again,
Related topics
Further information
- Klonopin uses and safety info
- Klonopin prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Klonopin (detailed)
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