I’ve recently been given these by my GP - UK to assist with sleep issues . 2 weeks ago they changed my contraception causing me not to sleep well as normal. I have also suffered too many big life events that has sent my adrenal system into free fall. I was given Zopiclone for 5 days which didn’t work and I returned to my old contraception. I now have mirtazapine 15mg. I have read here that a lower doses helps with not sleeping , I get about 3-4 hours a night, usual would be 10! I’m looking for something to help me with the anxiety of not sleeping - it feels like a battle ! Plus some sedative effects to help me on my way. Training wheels as it were . Can I get your recommendations? Also I understand that letting the meds dissolve on your tongue helps absorption. Any help greatly received . I’ve had to resign my job so I’d like my life back .