I’ve been on Depo for right at a year now, and for three days I’ve been spotting brown blood that is heaviest today with a menstrual clot as long as a quarter but thinner. On the first day I did have cramping on my right side, like a period. I do occasionally spot but it’s rare for me. I have occasionally felt little pains like I used to feel when ovulating, but obviously write them off as nothing because I am not supposed to ovulate on Depo.
My concern now is that the Depo may not be working properly. Could that be?! Some people do get pregnant on Depo.
I will add that I’m a red head so doctora have told me in the past that I metabolize some medications (particularly pain meds) faster and differently. Could that be happening?
I’ve never been late for a shot, everything has been on time and I’m not a drinker, haven’t been on antibiotics, not taking any medications. I know my hormones have felt off balance, but I assumed that was because of the Depo. Is it possible my fluctuating hormones could allow a pregnancy?
Sorry for being so paranoid! Just really concerned.