Does anything on my medication list cause weight gain?
Question posted by Glistendove on 8 June 2021
Last updated on 1 October 2021
Sorry, its Hydroxyzine... NOT Hydralazine
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4 Answers
When I stopped my Effexor, 450mg a day, I lost over 130lbs!! Without even trying!!
Hope this helped.
450mg/day??? The maximum recommended dosage is 225mg/day. Your doctor must have been prescribing off-label.
Lyrics is the only one I see that can cause weight gain. Topamax can actually cause weight loss.
I was hoping the Topamax would cause some weight loss.
Lyrica definately will. I gained 25 lbs. almost immediately, but it's worth it because Lyrica WORKS!!
Yes Lyrica does work!! I've been on that for around 10yrs or so since it first came out. If its causing weight gain now it would have to have an interaction with something else I think. But what? ... LOL
Hi, Glistendove.
That's quite a medication list with many duplications in various classes!!! There are potentially some major interactions. Is your doctor(s) aware that you're taking all these?
As far as weight gain there are several that have the propensity to cause weight gain in some users. I'd look at Effexor, Lamictal, trazodone, Lyrica, and Topamax in particular. Most, if not all, psychotropic medications can cause weight changes.
Thank you for your answer. Unfortunately, yes all my doctors are aware of what I take. I have anxiety and sometimes I wonder if some of those make it worse instead of help it.
Plaquenil can cause nervousness and emotional lability. The long term use of benzodiazepines can cause memory loss and increased anxiety/depression. trazodone can cause nervousness and confusion. Zanaflex can cause nervousness. Tramadol can cause anxiety and nervousness.
I'm sorry you have to take such a "cocktail" of medications but I'm sure your doctors feel the benefits outweigh the risks.
I hope you'll feel better soon.
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effexor, lamictal, lyrica, plaquenil, topamax, tylenol, zanaflex, weight loss (obesity/overweight), aspirin, azathioprine, clonazepam, hydralazine, tramadol, trazodone, weight, medication
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