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How many times per week can I take dulcolax?


BellaDea85 14 June 2016

Most doctors will tell u that long term use of laxatives can actually cause your intestines slow down and become dependant on the laxatives and you don't want that to happen. I'd recommend a stool softener like colace. 1, because it's gentle,2, because. U can take it everyday safely. And if u have trouble still, miralax is much gentler in my experience. The cramping of a stimulant laxative can be painful. And if u are REALLY backed up, drink a bottle of magnesium citrate. It comes in a glass bottle where the laxatives are and it is only about $1. But only use that if there is no other choice because it sucks to go through that... Plan to set up a pillow and blanket in the bathroom cuz you will b in there a while, lol. Bright side, when it all passes(sorry, had to go there) your colon should b totally empty.

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dulcolax, constipation

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