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Are Lidocaine patches effective in treating lower back pain caused from bulging disc and arthritis?

3 Answers

Crohnie2000 6 April 2016

Hi Gordy, bear with me. I am new to this so here goes. I'll try to give you my best answer. First, so sorry to hear that you are having these back pains. I have them too along with other back issues also and I know how debilitating they can be! I personally have not found that the lidocaine patches help. But, with that said, and reading the other answers, I may have not left them on long enough to notice a difference. It has been a long time ago since I tried them. I will tell you that I have had the injections for my bulging disc pain and I have had extreme relief from them. They were non invasive and I got immediate relief. I've had three in about the last four years. You may not be wanting to go that route or maybe you have already tried it. Sorry if my answer didn't give you what you were looking for. I would give the patches a go, if it's an option for you with insurance and cost. I don't remember what the cost was. Good luck Gordy!!

Votes: +1
Gordy32 7 April 2016

Thanks crohnie, the patches do seem to work some , just wish I could wear them day and night. Going to see Dr. tomorrow hopefully an injection will help!

Cyndee88 23 July 2023

Patches are 12 HOURS ON…
You can use the patches 24/7, just move to a NEW spot… concern is for the sticky stuff they use for it to stay on… might cause a skin reaction.
Instructions say NO MORE THAN THREE AT A TIME… of course, use as few as needed.

At least they are external & less impactful on your gut microbiome and can often effectively NUMB the area covered so less oral medication is needed.

Their numbing effect is subtle.
(It took me a while to realize they were helping with my lumbo sacral pain as it was so subtle).

Thor283 6 April 2016

Yes. I've found Lidoderm will dull any kind of pain. If the pain is really severe I often take Tylenol to help while the Lidoderm kicks in. It can take 1 or 2 hours to work but I've also had it work fast. For pain in the rear, like you have, in addition to putting a patch where the pain is I also find it helpful to put a 1 to 2 inch strip of Lidoderm along the spine. My Doc doesn't think this should work, but I say it does. So try this also. I think Lidoderm is the greatest thing since Tylenol was invented, and the best part is it doesn't go through your whole system.

Remember, no more than 3 patches at 1 time, and you have to remove them after 12 hours and wait another 12 hours to put more on. You can also cut them up into any shape or size needed to fit the area of pain.

Votes: +1
Gordy32 7 April 2016

Thanks Thor, I have been using them and they do seem to help , I just wish I could wear them 24/7

DancnDar 5 April 2016

I use lidocaine ointment for my lower back and other pains and it does help most of the time.

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rheumatoid arthritis, pain, back pain, lidocaine, lower back pain

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