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Lexapro - what is the best time to lexappro, bed time or morning?


DrDavidB 4 Aug 2015

In my experience with Lexapro (I have been taking it for several years), I find that if I take it in the morning, I get drowsy.
So, I take it at bedtime. I find that it helps me to sleep.

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Christamarina 3 Aug 2015

I started escitalopram (generic for lexapro) 11/14. I now take 20mg as soon as I wake up everyday. When I start taking it my psychiatrist said the most common response is some fatigue, thus I took it before going to sleep. We found out that it gave me slight insomnia, so we changed it to as soon as I get up. The point is that everyone's different--some people get insomnia, others get sleepy. I would start off taking it before you go to sleep. Good Luck! I hope Lexapro helps you; it's been beneficial for me.

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