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When is the best time to take Lisinopril/Hydrochlorothiaz 20-12.5 at bed time or in the morning?


shawn_not_sean 26 Nov 2013

Yes, hydrochlorothiazide is a "water pill", also known as a diuretic. Did the provider that prescribed the medication ask you to take it at a certain time?

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dfee 26 Nov 2013

My doctor didn't tell me to take at any certain time but on the bottle it states to take 1 tablet orally daily.I just read an article on the Dr.Oz newsletter posted 9/14/2010, The Best Time To Avoid A Heart Attack,easy things you can do to prevent a morning heart atteck.In the article it states to take blood pressure-lowering medications,meds to lower cholesterol and low-dose aspirin at night.Thanks for any advise you might have.

dfee 26 Nov 2013

My doctor didn't tell me to take at any certain time but on the bottle it states to take 1 tablet orally daily.I just read an article on the Dr.Oz newsletter posted 9/14/2010, The Best Time To Avoid A Heart Attack,easy things you can do to prevent a morning heart atteck.In the article it states to take blood pressure-lowering medications,meds to lower cholesterol and low-dose aspirin at night.Thanks for any advise you might have.

dfee 26 Nov 2013

Sorry I had a double post of the same thing.

kaismama 24 Nov 2013

You don't want to take it at night, the hydrochlorothiazide is a water pill. I wish docs would make that clear when they order it.

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