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I have infection in my gum can I used naproxen to keep the swelling down ?


acc6494 22 June 2014

Naproxen can help with swelling but if you have not contacted a doctor or a dentist please do so, this can be an abscess which can be DEADLY if not taken care of in time. It could also get infected.

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jaminhealth 23 June 2014

I would get on a course of amoxicillan and then see if it needs dental work. I keep my mouth healthy with Myrrh extract on a broken filling that a dentist was ready to tear my mouth apart to do his job. I keep amoxicillan on hand since I Had a hip replacement and need to protect myself IF I do dental work.

Anyway, get it healed and also I have been using Grape Seed Extract for 19 yrs soon and it does a great job for the mouth/gums... I also use hydrogen peroxide to keep mouth clean. Always take probiotics when using antiobiotics... I use probiotics daily anyway. free discount card

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down syndrome, infections, naproxen, swelling

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