I’ve been on 100mg of sertraline for 10years for anxiety and health anxiety and it has worked well for me until 4 months ago my younger brother unexpectedly passed away which set my anxiety sky high so the doctor increased me to 150mg and the side effects were horrendous and then at about 4wks in I started to feel a bit better and then my Grandfather passed away so the anxiety came back, the doctor upped me to 175mg and I’m on day 15 of the increase and I’m feeling like crap again with no appetite, increased anxiety and crying all the time. The doctor wants me to increase to 200mg but I don’t want to because the side effects will all start over again.
I just want to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I’m also taking 5mg diazepam daily to help ease the anxiety symptoms but I’m scared I’ll get addicted to it