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Im allergic to penicillin, can I take vimovo?


caringsonbj 22 April 2011

this is not related to penicillin, just to be on the safe side edprcially if you are other medicines I would double check with either my primary pharmacist or even your doctors office, Have you taken this before? Sorry I know I wish I had gotten this sooner I want you to be on the safe side especially if you've not taken this prior or are using this with other medications, I have taken the Nsaids but not this one, I want the very best for you please take care and always feel free to visit this website

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Rajive Goel 22 April 2011

Perhaps yes, please double check it with your doc/pharmacist who prescribed the med.

Vimovo (naproxen/esomeprazole magnesium) is a prescription medication approved for the treatment of osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and ankylosing spondylitis. It can also help to prevent stomach ulcers. Vimovo contains a medication that relieves pain and inflammation (naproxen), as well as an ingredient to reduce the risk of ulcers due to naproxen (esomeprazole magnesium).

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penicillin, vimovo

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