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I think I accidently took 2 doses of cymbalta tonight, I didnt even realize it, will anything happe?


fall queen 8 Sep 2010

Hi akitko28, I hope you are feeling fine and you already have good advice from Rajeve. I am on several medications and one thing I always do when I get home from the doctor is to put my pills in a daily reminder container. If you take meds throughout the day you can get the ones that say morning, noon and night with the days of the week on it as well, For me it prevents any confusion. I hope that helps a bit to avoid any future mix ups. Fall Queen

Votes: +1
christineATU 8 Sep 2010

What a great idea! Even though I'm on just a few meds, I do forget and end up having to do a pill count. That is a pain in the butt since I end up losing count and have to start over! Daughter forgot her phone here so DC is so easy to do. The problem is I can't figure out regular email yet.

Take care my friend!

akitko28 8 Sep 2010

thanks! i do need to get a pill container... its so weird how you forget you took your medication..i don't know why i took another dose..i didnt even think about it until later when my stomach started hurting. usually if i cant remember taking one... ill wait til the next day. which is bad i know. but its worse to overdose i guess!

Rajive Goel 8 Sep 2010

If you fell uncomfortable? Please call emergency; overdoses on Cymbalta, the symptoms can vary. Cymbalta overdose symptoms can include:

* Drowsiness; * Vomiting; * Seizures.

A Cymbalta overdose can also cause a dangerous condition called serotonin syndrome. Symptoms of serotonin syndrome include:

* Confusion; * Hallucinations; * A fast heartbeat; * Feeling faint; * Fever;
* Sweating; * Muscle spasms; * Difficulty walking; * Diarrhea.

Take care & be well!

Votes: +1
christineATU 8 Sep 2010

Great answer Rajive!

Rajive Goel 9 Sep 2010

Thanks, Chris, how are you? Kids ok? free discount card

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