I have been addicted to one opiate or another since my daughter was born in 1992. Ive been reading a... lot of you talking about suboxone. I would like to stop this addiction once and for all. How do I go about getting on this?
How do I go about getting on Suboxone, I am addicted to opiates?
Question posted by ashleysmom on 13 Sep 2010
Last updated on 10 November 2018 by Rivera13
9 Answers
I want my life back
Yes did not help
I'm trying to do this too Dr's don't seem to want to help
Hi .. I feel your pain and the need for answers.. I felt the same way when I was hooked on the percs.. I have to be honest.. Subs will def fill the need you would have after stopping percs.. But I feel it is actually harder to get off of subs versus getting of of percs cold turkey.. If you had the time 4 to 5 days it might be worth it to take the plunge.. Yes I know some people wouldn't agree with me,, but through my experience knowing what I know now I would have stopped the percs cold turkey versus jumping on the subs.. It's just that coming off the subs is a longer process and can take a bigger tole on the body because it takes forever to get out of the system.. Also when someone goes through the pain associated with W/D symtoms.. Its a big reminder that you never want to go through that again.. On the other side tapering down can make things a lot easier but can also lead to an easier relapse...
I have in the past stopped taking percs cold turkey.. and I didn't feel the way I do now detoxing off the subs.. I stayed clean for a year because of that.. But that's just the first step.. The long haul is all metal.. Staying positive and recognizing what your triggers are.. Obviosly I didn't know all of mine but I am stronger now because of it.. Good Luck to you
Be very careful. I went to a dr yesturday for the same reason. He told me that I would need to see him 3 times per week and would only sell me the Suboxone instead of writting a script. He told me that I would need to be on it for 3-5 years! He gave me a high dose, 8 mg whcih I gladly accepted since I was hurting from wd. I had to buy 3 pills from him at $10 each (supposedly a days worth) and return to him today. I was aware that he was attempting to get me hooked on Suboxone so he could fill his empty schedule. I only took 2 mg today. Can anyone tell me what to expect from weening off of Sub?
I jumped off at 4mg.. I'm going on my 9th day.. I'm feeling a lot better compared to some people that jump off without trying a taper.. Umm you can expect.. no sleep.. restless legs.. cold and hot sweats.. pooping a lot.. and really bad depression.. and no energy at all..The first four days are a nightmare.. but it really helps to surround yourself with positive and supportive people.. I started to feel better around day 5.. I had to force myself to eat, drink lots of water.. Take vitiamins and exercise and you can do it.. You will also need someone you can talk to anytime and I mean anytime.. You will know when your ready.. you just know.. Once you are do it and stick to it.. you will be happy and pround of yourself that you did.. Good luck
I looked it up on the computer and found one in my area. The problem is he wants me on to high of a dose. I suggest if you have insurance to call them and get a list. They should also give you advice on some counseling also. It a lot easier to get off opiates on suboxone but you have to take it the right way.
Hey fatcatantsella, Boy am I glad to hear from you! I was wondering when someone was gonna come forth, who finally got off suboxone?How'd you do it??? Cant wait for your response??? Ive been waiting to find out just what kind of hero,was gonna do the un doable??? Please tell us how you done it??? Misled!!
Im not off it yet i still have about two weeks left. Im down to .50 right now and i start skipping days tomorrow. Wish me luck
Unfortunately Misled is correct about alot of things suboxone. The first poster is right about how to find a suboxone doctor and there is a YouTube.com channel called SuboxDoc ( aka Dr. Jeffrey Junig) and he answers all sort of questions about suboxone. Subs is supposed to heal the neurotransmitter/receptor site connections in the brain so that a person can quit opiates and get on with their life. You are supposed to go to mandatory counseling while on suboxone for heal the emotional issues, but, I keep reading on here that lots of people are not even being told that they are supposed to be going to counseling. Anyway, You will have to also go into withdrawal for 24 hours before you are inducted onto suboxone, all other opiates have to be off the receptor sites in the brain or you will go into something called precipitated withdrawal and it is really really bad withdrawal.
But approximately 15 to 45 minutes after your induction onto subs, you will be withdrawal free and feel lots better and can work on the emotional issues.Please call all the doctors in your area that are licensed to give out subs as they all charge induction fees, the office visit fees, and other requirements to start subs, and all that stuff varies as does their techniques for treating with subs. One friend told me to add to that list of ques. is if the doctor also precribes other pain meds, or ask if the doctor is willing to taper someone down and get them off subs too. Just check around on the doctors as you don't want to get a doctor who is simply doing it as an easy way to make cash. Best of Luck, Patti
when ever you look up doctors besure you look up Suboxone as a whole!!The doctors are only gonna tell you what they need too.There are many horror storys on here because people dont research Suboxone before they take it. Takes quite awhile to get off of it, once you start it for one.One good place to start is (Drugs of abuse Publication Chapter 4)READ:go down to thebaine,buprenorphine,oxycontin,hydrocodone.Then go to Morphine.Gives a great round about veiw of whats, whats.If you notice on there it tells buprenorphine is 30/50 stronger than Morphine.And well Im sure after that lenth of time you know,How much difference there is in morphine and Oxcontin,this explains why.If you know opiates,you will understand.However remember there is a ceiling affect in Suboxone as there is more than one Substance in the cocktail.So you cant abuse,but it is addictive also, and should be used under a doctors care.
Some people use for a maintenence drug,some people use as a replacement.That is up to the person!! Some people intend to use it for maintenence,and end up addicted to it..So theres thngs to think about before you use it.I use Suboxone as a maintenence drug at this point! I am on my way off. From 24mgs down to 8mgs and fixng to go to 6mgs a guy named Robert 325 is the expert on here he s also a christian,very intelligent and very thoughtful. Most people who do infact get off of Suboxone dont hang around to tell it,they generally get on with there lifes. And that makes it look as if t has helped no one. From what Ive heard anyway..At any rate his time is appreciated by many,me for one.And there are others that are here,mpvt is very intelligent as well, it was him that busted my little make believe bubble that this whole deal had and easy way out.it doesent and infact,The maintenece part of it can prove just as much of a pain in the As# as the addiction if not for sites like this where people share their experiences.Also Subzereo,Pattishan,and several more fade in and out when needed,and can help,its made it doable for me so far..I was totally againist Suboxone or methadone for that matter,as I have been to rehab 11 times and seen people trying to get off of methadone that is just SAD, Common sense is gonna tell you it takes something stronger to get your attention to start with,however like I said it has A CEILING AFFECT WHERE IT CANT BE ABUSED,(Suboxone not methadone I mean). Didnt mean to flame,didnt want to do it over. anyway hope this helps,be sure you get a good doctor try to get references if possible..Some states dont have many doctors so sometime this isnt possible as every doctor is not certifyed to prescribe Suboxone..Have a good one!! God bless!!
Go to suboxone.com and click on find a doctor. Only certain, certified doctors can prescribe it.
Related topics
suboxone, opiate dependence, addiction
Further information
- Suboxone uses and safety info
- Suboxone prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Suboxone (detailed)
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