My husband was diagnosed with alcoholic cirrhosis almost a year ago. He has continued drinking. Cirrhosis was discovered during gall bladder removal. He hasn’t went to the doctors to follow up after he was diagnosed. I have begged and pleaded as well as others. He has lost at least 40lbs, looks 9 months pregnant, itches constantly, yellow eyes, grayish skin tone, loss of muscle mass, no energy, no appetite (may eat a half a sandwich if anything during the day), the last week he has stayed in bed and moans in pain loudly, his feet look dead with scale peeling skin black/purple (negative for diabetic or heart) I notice small blood stains when I change the sheets. He is cold all of the time. I have begged him to go to Er or doctor. I guess my question is does this sound like the end stages of cirrhosis? Is he dying?