How much longer can opiate withdrawal (hell on earth) last?
Question posted by ineedofanswers on 20 March 2011
Last updated on 15 September 2019 by MARK O
I need some help here. I have been off of opiates (perks, oxy's, dilaudid) for 23 days. I have been taking them daily for 4 years and have been dopesick hundreds of times, and have never made it this far. I am still having monster withdrawal. I am still sneezing, having diarrhea, difficulty sleeping, and anxiety that is INTOLERABLE. I have been taking a few klonopin, and it helps with anxiety and sleep. I only had 5, and i only got 5 for a reason. I do NOT want to become physically dependent on benzo's as the kick from them is so much worse than opiates. My line of work is a drug counselor and i dont want to seem like i know everything. I know what to tell, and how to encourage OTHER PEOPLE, but not myself. This seems like a never ending story. I still have no energy. I know the length of time varies. I went to rehab and seemed to do better when i was there, as my days were full. Now i am home, my kids go off to school, and i spend my days fighting everything. I dont have the energy to shower, but i make myself. Everything is a chore. Am i ever going to feel better? If so, how soon. I am on the verge of relapse or reversion cuz i feel like i cant take it ONE MORE SECOND. I swear, i wouldnt wish this on my worst enemy, and would rather battle some life threatning illness than ever go through this again. And, if you have ever kicked ops, you know that every minute seems like an hour and the days are long. Will i ever be normal again? I have seen others get through it, but its just not happening for me. Please help me with some advice, encouragement or kind words. Thank you friends. P.S. I CANNOT do the NA meetings. Ive tried. God Bless the people for whom it works. I dont knock it, its just not for me.
The information on this page reflects personal experiences shared by our community members. It is not reviewed for medical accuracy and should not replace professional medical advice.
11 Answers
16 Sep 2019
11 days in on percocet withdrawal when will I fell better
Votes: +0
23 Feb 2018
It will be ok brother just keep pushing forward
Votes: +0
29 Dec 2017
I felt exactly the same as you are/did. I went through withdrawals from Vicodin 10/325. Four times a day plus 30 mg of Valium. I went to a detox for 5 days and it went fine. When I got home though, I felt like my body was quaking like an earthquake for 2 months, and felt just like you I couldn't stand it for one more minute. I was so lucky I was able to essay at a family members house on and off until I started feeling a little better after 3 months. After that it got a little les and less over time. Then I was put on tramadol 6 months after the detox, it's worthless. I am trying to get off that now 100 mg a day. Good luck. You may get annoyed with this but my psychiatrist helped me a lot. Good luck, it does go away. Get support, not AA meetings they don't work for me either. The people I met there just wanted to get high.
Votes: +0
Carleton Adams
24 Aug 2017
I was on oxycodone and oxycoton for about 12 years,I was prescribed 2-80',and 5-20's a day guilt 5 days ago don't feel great yet but better my heart rate is a little anbove normal but blood pressure is fine so just keep pluging through it will get better I tried clonidine and Atarax only to make me fell worse but I will beat it with the Lord's help and never again take any narcotics. Good luck with yours,if you believe in the higher power the Lord will help you if you ask him to. Carleton
Votes: +0
30 Dec 2017
I am reading all the posts as I want to be off of Norco's so badly. I got myself off of the Fentynl Patch 30 days ago after 7 years on the 50 mcg, down to 37 mcg, 25 mcg and lastly the 12 mcg. Now I am on 10/325 of Norco's, 5-6 pills per day. I am so tired, very tired of going to the pain clinic, peeing in a cup when ordered to, etc. I want my life back! I have low blood pressure and have intermittent black outs which they have not figured out why. So my concern is the seizures. I believe in turning to the Lord as you said Carleton. Thank you for your post.
18 Dec 2011
Exercise and activity you need to do even thogh you feel terrible.Inactivity only makes it worse.Also your mind has a lot of pull in this process. If you think about all those Wonderful drug aided days it will make you depressed.You must find a new source of enjoyment and go to it,try a hobby or a complete change in your routine day.It took me almost 2 months so stay strong.
Votes: +5
25 Aug 2011
I feel so bad for you. If you read my profile i went 8 weeks of cold turkey withdrawals and was still feeling awful. I was taking sometimes 200 mgs per day of Oxycotin. After 8 weeks or so, i went to a Suboxone Dr and started 2mgs per day. I do not know if I just waited a few more days or another month but due to my job i could not. I had to get better to work. I am writing only to tell you to hang in there. I know exactly how you feel. I swear I do. I wanted to die, I cried, I was a mess. I wish i had known of this site before I quit. My best advise would be to listen to these wonderful people. Feel proud you have gone this long. It's awesome! It will get better. Honestly, you feel awful but not as bad as a couple of weeks ago? You can do it, have the will-power the discipline to get your life back in control. So close. I have faith in you. If I had the power of this groip of people I would have done it. Coby
Votes: +5
25 Aug 2011
Hi ineedofanswers, I've no idea how I missed your question, I must have been out of town when ye posted this, or I would have been on this like white on rice. Hope you are feeling better by now!! If not, please post again, let us know how you are doing? Did you relapse or are you still in WD? I'm sure you know all about post acute withdrawal syndrome, perhaps you are suffering horribly from PAWS? It sure sounds like it!! I suffered from PAWS for about a year after my cessation from OxyContin, which I took for ten years. I know the hell of which you speak oh so well, and there is nothing quite like it! This too shall pass gurl, so hang in there, fight the good fight!!! Best wishes,
Votes: +7
25 Aug 2011
I'm at sixteen days today from heroin and methadone(seven weeks since last tablet). I am finding that I'll feel better for part of the day. However, as the day goes on i'll experience more symptoms of withdrawal, generally peaking in the afternoon. I'm taking psych meds(SSRI, Anti-psychotic, doxepin, and others) they don't really seem to help as much as the ativan I had from days 6-9. Unfortunately those ran out quickly... but at least I was able to sleep! I wasn't able to sleep at all last night and am having rapid heart beat, body aches, diarrhea, chills/flush, and am just wiped out. Being able to get any amount of sleep has been critical in preventing relapse; a few times I considered scoring just to take care of the restless exhaustion. Its tough, but I made up my mind to stay away! I'm doing this without a twelve step program. They just don't work for me either.
I'm tired of being a slave to opiates... I just couldn't afford to support the habit anymore. I went from using $10 worth a day to using $60-100 worth a day in eight months. From what I have been reading online the normal withdrawals are supposed to last no longer than two weeks for short-acting opiates, and up to three months for long acting ones. I feel terrible today, but I'm gonna try to take a nap for at least two hours. I'm also going to try to get out of the house today just to force myself to do something. Good luck to anyone who is out there still struggling...
Votes: +3
6 April 2011
My husband was on ops for 12 years after a back injury. We have been fighting to get him off of the pills for almost that long. Everytime he would quit (it would usually be for 2 weeks to a month) he would be right back on them again. Not only that but his anxiety (and dare I say paranoia) were over the top. A few months ago we heard about kratom, and figured, "what the heck". It helped so much with the withdrawal! I am proud to say that he has been clean (from ops) since January! He was able to stop using kratom (with no withdrawal) within after about a month. The only reason he took so long was we were a little scared of relapse without it, and we wanted him to go slowly, just in case. I don't know if this is helpful to you, but I wanted to share our story & let you know that there might be a better way for you. If your interested in learning more about kratom (where we got it, dosage recommendations, etc) I'd be happy to tell you. Good luck & hang in there!
Votes: +7
24 July 2013
Hey there, I just noticed this posting and i would like to know more about this kratom that you used to get your husband off of ops. I have a loved one that is struggling with using and I have tried everything shy of rehab which i dont have the money to fund. I know that you made this post years ago and probably wont see this comment but if you d please let me know how I can get some of this to help my family.
17 Nov 2016
Matt Finch's Ultimate Detox site also discusses/recommends Kratom. Apparently many people find it useful as there was a big uproar when FDA decided to up its classification as a controlled substance. It's now back on the market. This site has loads of recommendations for detox
27 March 2011
opiate withdrawal is crazy if i may make a few recomendations for sleep try some over the counter benadryl and if your having some serious problems with diahrea like i did >.< i recommend imodium it became my bestfreind. people that say the withdrawals stop after a week are the people that havent been doin it as long as u and i. i didnt start havin energy again and able to get up and start lifting again till day 30. i never thought the pain would stop. but trust me it will and u will feel amazing :] im on day 63 now and im never going back. i used it daily for 3 years... you will make it just dont give up.. and if u have friends trying to convince u to give in. like i did and they start telling you that you will fail opiates are impossible to fully come off of. just say what i did. "jeez man you know a hell of a lot about opiates. But you know nothing about me." good luck :] i know you can do it :)
Votes: +17
29 July 2016
You are very lucky.I have been pill sick for two years.I cannot even go to the mailbox.I cannot eat,sleep nothing for two years.My back is now damaged for laying in bed for two years.I was doing ten milligrams of Methodone,that's all.And to pay two years for that is not a fair trade at all.My life is this ceiling and bed of two years.The truth is that one can be pill sick between seven days and twenty years,somewhere in there you will be able to get out of bed.If people knew the truth,no one would quit using.I lost my house,not because of money,but because I had no energy to pay the bills.I have been in bed for two years because of ten milligrams a day for a few years.
17 Aug 2016
scottbu21 and rigboy21, I have screamed for 4.5 years. I can help you. If you want me to tell you what happened to me let me know. I can help you get better faster.
24 Oct 2016
Hi Charles, I would like to hear what you have to say on the matter. I find the fear, the psychological is at least what I think is the worst for me. But, I know psych and phys walk hand in hand. I hope to hear from you.
You will get through this. May I suggest that you google the Thomas Recipe and check out some OTC remedies for the symptoms you are experiencing. You are really through the worst of it and have to rebuild the body now from the inside out. I know you don't want to but exercise even if just a 10 - 20 minute walk everyday would help release the endorphins in your brain and make you feel better.
There are alot of wonerful people on this site and they will be contacting you soon. We do care and encourage you to hang in there, you have come to far to turn back now.
Wishing you the best,
Votes: +8
21 March 2011
Thank you so much for answering. I turned to this site, because no one knows the answers, like someone who has been through it. I cant tell you the number of "medical professionals" who have told me that opiod wd lasts for 3 to 5 days. That is such a load of crap!!! Im not trying to discourage anyone by saying that, but were it that easy, this site wouldnt exist and we'd just be signing up for the flu, and be all fresh and recovered in 3 days to 5 days. Its hard, very hard. I think the hardest part is the mental part, knowing that one shot, one sniff, or one or two pills is the magic cure, and it makes it all magically go away.
I put down crack cocaine 11 years ago and have not turned back. I slept for 3 days and moved on with my life. I remember people in the rehab who were kicking opiates, heroin or benzo's saying to me "atleast you can just sleep it off". I now understand what they meant.
I am TERRIFIED of relapsing and know that it IS a real option/threat to me, should i not start to feel better. Honestly, i dont really feel much better on day 23 than i did on day 3. The severity has lessened, but nonetheless, its still there. I wake up with my heart racing, feeling like the worst mother, worst wife, worst person, worst citizen. I actually dont even have to have ANY thought, and my body feels like there is a fog horn going off inside of me. I am now out of the 5 klonopin, and know that i will get no sleep. Ive tried breathing deep. I have this urgent sense of uneasiness, and at this point, its the worst part. I can deal with the sneezing, i can deal with the upset stomach/diarrhea. I am afraid to go to a dr. because ive been, and they look at you as an addict and aren't really interesting in real help. For the record, i DID NOT sign up for this. This is due to a back injury. At first it was about reducing/eliminating the pain. They made me feel soooooo much better, and gave me an energy that i needed to deal with small children. Then it became about staying well and being able to function. My pain is much better than before so i dont need opiates to be able to deal with my pain any longer. I have been using them for a lonnnnng time for many reasons other than the pain.
I still have zero energy or motivation. I am sorry to ramble or complain. I am just sincerely disappointed at the lack of progress, despite my very best efforts. Any idea when the fog horn anxiety will stop? Thank you again.
21 March 2011
I wish I could say it would only be another week or something like that but I can't say for sure. You have been experiencing the withdrawls for longer than most people at least with opiate withdrawl anyway. It will get better soon though, I can promise you that.
May I suggest some herbal remedies for the insomnia and anxiety. Try melatonin for sleep and valerian root for anxiety. It can't hurt and may well be the help you need to get through this. Check it out at the grocery or pharmacy tomorrow.
Hang in there and send me a message anytime. I'll friend you and you can private message me if you want.
21 March 2011
Thank you Laurie. We share the same thoughts regarding the length of wd that i have been experiencing. However, i did kick methadone and was REALLY ill for a long time. That was back in August 2010. I never got over it, hence my starting to use again. If this ignorant anxiety would go away, the rest is cake. i just want to feel like i used to feel and have a sense of well being and peace, that can only come from the inside. Thats what im looking for. A little energy would be nice too. I always have seen, through my exp as a drug counselor, that energy is the last to return. Thank God i have a patient husband.
I am going to try to watch some tv and hopefully get some sleep. But, know this, you have done your good deed for today and helped so much. tomorrow is supposed to pour rain, all day. However, the day after, i promise to go for a short walk, and maybe tomorrow i will get the valerian root and the melatonin. Very good, sound, easy to obtain answers.
21 March 2011
I keep thinking that there must be something physically wrong with me... i DO wonder with this type of anxiety, as i am more prone to bi polar or depressive episodes. Ive not experienced this type of anxiety, ever! I know the feeling of anxiety that is associate with wd, and it feels the same. I just had all kinds of blood work done, urinalysis etc. The only thing wrong was a UTI. What the hell!!!
21 March 2011
I'll pray that you have sweet dreams and keep in touch. BTW I would love to learn more about the different types of opoids: agonist vs antagonist that you shared on the other post. I've so much to learn. Thanks.
21 March 2011
I don't know that there is anything physically wrong with you like an infection or whatever. Your body and brain just need time to adjust. When you said it had been 3 weeks of withdrawl and the anxiety was the biggest symptom now, I did think to myself, "I wonder if she has an underlying mental illness like bipolar or anxiety disorder." I can't say but if things don't clear up soon, you may have to consider that.
21 March 2011
I posted a list of opioid agonists vs. opioid antagonist. It is up for approval from the site managers. I got the list from wikipedia (alot of medical terms and hard for a non dr. to understand). However, google it if you are interested. I am blessed to know what happens in the brain when we take these meds. However, i, like you, have much to learn.
heidi 888
26 March 2011
Hi, Im almost two weeks off opiates & feel like ick... I dont know how long this will take but im getting really tired of it... I guess if we really want this we have to hang in there... best of luck Heidi
26 March 2011
Hey Heidi,
If it has been two weeks since you took any opiates then you are through the worst of the withdrawls. It will gradually get better from here on out. Hang in there and you will be an opiate free, feeling good person soon.
heidi 888
26 March 2011
Thanks Laurie, Gives me some thing to hold on to thanks lots... Heidi
29 July 2016
I have Ben pill sick for two years.When will it finally end?
21 June 2017
This has helped me. It's been about3 months and some days it feels like the2nd. I take a piece of buke every now and than but I have 0 energy and the mental a foggy mind and some of the pther symptoms. I just want to feel normal again. Ive eaten most of my lining i think but no insurance and cant work long enough before my benefits kick in. I feel like a failure plus I suffer with mental health and a allergy to gluten. I wake up in horrible panic attacks in my sleep it feels like it stops i jump out of my sleep than restless leg syndrome. I was hoping that someone would say give it 1 mpre day. I have been around them but the thought of withdrawal is enough for me. I just want to be an active parent wife and a better me. I have health problems but i wish I never enjoyed that first time
22 Sep 2017
I need help so bad I'm living day to day trying to summon up 10 $ everyday I've sold such expensive things just for a bag God forgive me but I cannot go on with my life anymore ! I hate my life it has no meaning ..I have no friends at all and an abusive husband who loves to see me suffer God help me someone help me ! I don't Evan have the tools to go to a detox I'm already thinking what will I do I don't live in the streets I'm a house wife HELP HELP
23 Sep 2017
Hey, It is the drugs talking. Your life has meaning whether your husband says so or not. Not sure how to help you, but im willing to listen.
21 Dec 2017
I am trying to home detox myself, any suggestions.
11 Jan 2018
Passion flower is good to take . it works like a valium and helps you relax. Drink plenty of water. You should also have a banana everyday or pineapplejuice since it has potassium which you need to help with body aches. .if you can. Take hot showers or take baths in epsom salts which helps with the aches tremendously! Best wishes