Ok I am fuuhhhreeeaked out right now someone pleeeasse tell me I'm gonn be ok. I am on day 5 of my withdrawal from oxycodone, I have been using a little bit of suboxone, my heart has been pounding like crazy this whole time and hasn't gotten any better. It only feels somewhat normal when I am laying down for a while. I also have a concusion so I've been in bed a lot but today I went out and I walked, and stood around a lot, and noticed at one point that my heart had been beating real fast the whole time. I am home now and I am feeling some mild weakness in ny left arm. I've also had a few chest pains, not too bad but sharp. I'm only 20! My doc told me I have a slight enlargement in my heart and she thinks its cuz I've been on this drug and it was always making my heart pound hard: her theory is that its the same concept as working out??? Is that possible?? I was taking oxy for like 3 weeks then I got off and went back on like 3 weeks later and until now was on it for bout a monna month and half... I can't belieev my heart is pounding this much I feel like its not normal, I wasn't on the drug that long... I don't know how that works but can anyone make sense of all this information, pleasee, put all the facts together and tell me if I'm gonna be okay??? I want OFF THE DRUGS and I wanna be healthy but am scared something bad will happen to me before I canb get there !! :(((how long is this gonna go on with the pounding !! Also, when can I expect this depression to stop : /
Opiate withdrawal, pounding heart and weak left arm?
Question posted by vikachka on 23 June 2011
Last updated on 22 November 2023 by Crystaltorrid
The information on this page reflects personal experiences shared by our community members. It is not reviewed for medical accuracy and should not replace professional medical advice.
4 Answers
I'm not sure why your heart would be pounding so hard. But a 5 shouldn't make your heart do that.
Hey if your back or haven't gone to the ER... stop the suboxone, you shouldn't be having that bad of withdrawal at this time. I only say this if the suboxone wasn't prescribed (which I don't think it is :) That way they can prescribe you some anxiety medicine. If your afraid of the emergency room. Just go in and tell them your symptoms. You dont HAVE to tell them you were on oxy, UNLESS the ekg comes back showing signs. You need to slow down kid, your too young for this!!! Promise the ladies whom have answered your question that #1 you let us know how u r ASAP and #2 you go back 1 week from now, when your cravin' some fun and READ your panicked out question!! Then find some different fun LOL... Sweetpea
Great answer Sweet Pea!!!
Hii..yeah I haven't taken the suboxone in a bit, just sufferin thru it, not too bad, cud be worse. Haven't gone anywhere yet. I commented on the above answers and u could read those for more info,but I don't wanna be on any more medication :( ijust want everything out of my system and to be back to normal and its not happening. Had I never touched an oxy, my life would not have spiraled out of ccontrol the way it did, I feel like this is the worst thing that's ever happened to me. I lost so much. And yeah I'm young, but this isn't my first time dealingwith drug addiction. I've gone thru addiction with weed, alchol, e, coke, meth, the list goes on. None of them werre as bad as this.I want my body back to normal and shouldn't have to be on meds at 20 years old for that :((( don't u think ? Thank u for ur time..
Hi again,
I was on prescribed oxy for almost ten years, my heart did the same thing when I went cold turkey off of it. It would pound if I did the slightest thing.
BUT, this has gone on too long for you! Get thee to the ER ASAP!!!
We all want our body's back to what they were before illness, drug addiction or (insert anything here) hit us, but that isn't the reality of the situation.
NOW PLEASE GO TO ER, so you can get this taken care of and you can stop worrying. You may need an hbp med for just a little while, no big deal in that!
Please post again!!!
Lara P.S. I don't mean to sound rude, just trying to motivate you!!!
No, don't worry you didn't sound rude at all. If anyone was rude about this it was my mother! I asked her if I should go to the er cuz I wanted to go last nite, I asked he for help and her reply was, how do u expect me to help u? U shud have listened to me before u did this, u f****d up, so u go and do whatever your health insurance covers. I CRIED. My whole old school russian family has shunned me for this. I feel terrible..anyway she told me that I can't go to the er again cuz I have crappy insurance and it is so expensive and I just went twice already for my concussion... I guess I have to wait til tuesday to see my doc : / tahts the only day she works and I can't find anyone else to accept my insurance..I really relly don't wanna wait. This just... really sucks..I hope I'm gonna be ok, if everything works out I'm definitelly gonna do all I can to stay healthy and be greatful!
Now that you know your family is not going to be supportive of your efforts.
Use this site as your support system. We care.
Your health is of paramount importance, so don't blow off the ER just because you have crappy insurance.
Can you have someone drive you to the ER or can you drive yourself? Also, are you able to speak to your doc oh the phone, I bet she would tell you to go to the emergency room asap, yet I don't have my crystal ball out, just guessing of course!!!
Don't confide in your family anymore, you will just get more aggravation over this, and you don't need that at this time, you ARE trying!!! And that should count for something, but obviously not with your family.
Post again, if anything changes!!!
Hey you are you still out there? There is such a thing as setting up payments with the hospital, they cannot deny you for insurance reasons!! Let the hospital worry about the f-ing money! Here is some cold hard facts dude, with your history of drug addiction the cold turkey might just have been the wrong way to go. It propably was the cessation of the oxys, that precipitated the palpatations (say that 3 times really fast!) sorry, had to break the tension. If you haven't went to the ER or talked to your Dr. who in the family is being stubborn? Listen, you said yourself that you had experience with alot of chemicals, right? Then you say that at twenty you shouldn't have to be on anything. Your body and brain could be confused..let the DOCTOR figure it out! What could happen? You would feel better physically and mentally... then you can get on with your life, yeah? At 20 you have 20 years to pay off the hospital! lol Plus, Sweetlemon is right, as always, you always have us!! Now right back like the polite kid you seem to be :) Sweetpea
Hey there sorry it took me so long to answer but yeah I'm still here. Still haven't used, but the thing is my withdrawals seeeemed to be going away and then camne back worse. I wasn't doing this CT I took subs at first... then I stopped cuz they were making me feel weird. Now ii hadda take it again cuz my withdrawal got worse. My heart also had calmed down with the pounding but got worse again. My appointment with the doc is today and I'm nervous. I'm laying here feeling my heart pound. I'm sick of this I feel like its never gonna end.
It will stop, eventually. Please let us know how it went at your doc appointment???
They said they'll have my results in a week >: (
Hi I'm Mid12, I have been taking oxycodone for about 2 years. I'm on day 6, but I'm having extreme diarrhea can't sleep and mild body aches. My heart palpitations are going now 3 days straight. What can I do to keep food down due to diarrhea. I have lost so much wait. I had foot surgery which allowed me to be out of work for 5 weeks. Will I be OK and if so how long? Please advise me guys on what to do ? By the way I had the ekg..but of course the didn't find anything. I'm so exhausted and weak and a little depressed.
Hi I'm Mid12, I have been taking oxycodone for about 2 years. I'm on day 6, but I'm having extreme diarrhea can't sleep and mild body aches. My heart palpitations are going now 3 days straight. What can I do to keep food down due to diarrhea. I have lost so much wait. I had foot surgery which allowed me to be out of work for 5 weeks. Will I be OK and if so how long? Please advise me guys on what to do ? By the way I had the ekg..but of course the didn't find anything. I'm so exhausted and weak and a little depressed.
Mid12 just give it another 3-4 days and you should feel improvement. You WILL be ok. I remember being so scared about all the symptoms and i had no idea what to do. Just... take it easy, take baths if u can, get fresh air, keep hydrated, and literally just do whatever u feel like doing. Kick doors and punch pillows lol. Dont worry..just stay comfortable.
Hi Vikachka,
Are you still having heart palpitations or has it gone away?
Why were you taking oxy? And how much were you on? Sorry for all the questions but, if you were taking it recreationally (no judgement here, promise!!) perhaps the depression was an underlying cause IF you were taking it recreationally.
Please go to your doc or ER if chest pain and heart palps continue!!! Not something you want to muck about with!
Also, if you find yourself quite depressed after a few months, get thee to a pshychiatrist for an antidepressant, I went on one when I went cold turkey off of Oxy, and it helped greatly.
Please post again, let us know how you are doing!!!
Heyy. Yes I'm still having them :'( I can't take it anymore. I can't get up without myn heart goin craaazy and it seems to get worse at certain points of the day. I didn't have this prob before the oxy. I don't wana have to be on heart meds at 20.I was taking the oxy recreationally, yes. I have been going through a very difficult time in my life and I was stupid to turn to this as an outlet without knowing the consequences. If u reasd my comment on the above answer you'll know more about my heart stuff. As for the depression, I've always been depressed but this made it feel like no othr time. Thanks for ur help.
Hey vikachka,
From what I can gather from your post, you weren't on the oxycodone very long. I can't imagine that it would cause your heart to enlarge in that short of time. How did she know that your heart was enlarged? Have you had tests run?
If the chest pain continues, you may need to at least have an EKG done. That is an easy test done in the doctors office that can determine if the heart is beating normally. I don't believe anything bad is going to happen so you need to relax. The anxiety your experiencing alone can cause the chest pain so it is important to not over excite yourself.
You mentioned a concussion, was that diagnosed by the doctor? Have you had tests run to determine the severity of this?
You are virtually through the worst of the withdrawals given that it has been over 5 days since you last oxy and you were only on it for 6 weeks or so. You will begin to feel better soon, but if the chest pain continues please go to the doctor or the ER for an evaluation.
The depression is a common side effect of the opiate withdrawal. Again, this will gradually get better over the next few weeks. So hang in there on this score.
Best wishes,
Hi... yes I had an ekg done, and that's how the doc knew about my heart. I have an appointment scheduled for an echo but that's like on tuesday and I'm gettin scared. I can't relax because I am getting frustrated. This is getting in the way of my life. I can't even get up to go to a meeting, I get too winded and scared. My heart feels like its gona jump out when ever I even just get up to go to the bathroom. They didn't run test for my concussion cuz my prognosis was good when I came in. I've just had continuous headaches and head pressure though and just not feeling myself sometimes. I'm very frustrated with all this. I didn't have heart problems until I used the oxy. As soon as I wud start gettin off the oxy.n my heart wud start pounding. With where I'm at in my withdrawals my heart should not be like this anymore. But it is. I've even cut down on smoking, I'm trying to quit all together.
And its not my anxiety, altho that doesn't help. Thank u for ur response. Very frustrated cuz I can't get to the bottom of this sooner :(
Please get yourself re evaluated by the doctor or go to the ER. You are describing symptoms that should not be ignored. This may be just anxiety or could be something more serious. If you are still experiencing chest pain and are short of breath then you need to be seen by a doctor asap.
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suboxone, opiate dependence, opiate withdrawal, oxycodone, withdrawal, opiate
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