I am a 30 yr. old mother recently diagnosed with Fibromyalgia & even more recently Lupus. Within 2 yrs. my life has flipped completly! From a MMA fighter & Dancer to a woman in so much pain I can't function 1/2 the time. Now I'm overwhelmed & scared of all these medications the Drs. are throwing at me. I'm already on a few & adjusting well. However I'm especially afraid of the steroids (20 mgs of prednisone 3x's/d);My 1st question would be,is this a good idea? The other,the BIG 1 is the aderall or vivance for the "brain fog". My question there is how much does this help? I'm a recovering addict & I'm trying to weight my options.If it helps greatly with close monoriting I'm willing to try,I know I can handle it.On the other hand if it's only slightly benificial I'm not sure it's worth it.So please if you could give me your input I would so greatly appreciate it.Thank you & God Bless!