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Herpes Simplex - Want are the chances my boyfriend has herpes if we has sex during an out break?

7 Answers

Henryduongod10 9 May 2021

Take it from me, someone who learned the hard way. Don’t have sex when your partner has an outbreak even if you suspect it’s nearing the end. I learned the hard way and got infected by my girlfriend and have to live with the STD for the rest of my life. Practice safe sex instead of letting your hormones get the best of you.

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Anon98 16 Aug 2018

So I was cut at the gynecologist during an exam and since they had something they tested but did not tell me what they tested for. So since they cut me I thought nothing of it. I had sex with my boyfriend that night only to be told 5 days later that I have herpes. What is his chance of having it? We did not use a condom

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smileyhappy 22 Nov 2012

Hi Bbcmpos,

I hope for him he does not get it! That was really not responsible on your part! I had a friend that had it too and met a new boyfriend had sex with him also and never told him. They are still together as far as I know. But she told me that she didn't want to tell him because she didn't want to loose him. Not very responsible because as you know once you have it, it is for life. Very hard to treat and get relief. She got it herself from a boyfriend and was really upset and broke it off with him. I no longer see her anymore because of it. Because she is not responsible, not the virus.
Tell him to get tested right away, and use protection if he is still around next time.

Votes: +1
angel1662 22 Nov 2012

hello Bbcampos,
I say the chances of your partner getting it passed on to him is very high, did u use any type protection..such as a condom..even them when having an outbreak it is still possible for they r not 100%..they can break have a hole in them etc..just giving examples... did u tell your partner that u have this illness? I feel in my opinion now that u have possibly given it to him, and I am not a doctor so I am not 100% sure, but if u have unprotected sex, meaning no condom etc... then u definitely passed it on in my opinion, and I think that u should have the respect to tell him this so he can be treated, but this is your decision not mine I am just saying if I had sex with a man, I would have told him before I even had sex what my illness was it's about respect and letting him get tested to get the proper treatment... good luck...

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happybrandee 21 Nov 2012

The chances are very good that it was passed on to him! He needs to be tested ASAP!! and forgive me for asking this, but, did you tell him that you have Herpes and were having an outbreak before you had sex with him? I so hope that you did!!

Votes: +1
DzooBaby 21 Nov 2012

Chances are quite good if an uninfected partner has unprotected sex when the infected partner is having an outbreak. You either want to avoid sex altogether or use condoms for intercourse and forgo oral sex unless you use some kind of barrier to protect oral mucosa. Some say plastic wrap placed across the vagina for oral sex works. It can spread not only to the penis but also the mouth and anal area as well. The best way is to avoid contact until your outbreak has passed. Do you use daily prophylaxis like a dose of Valtrex daily to help prevent outbreaks? Be sure that your partner is aware that you are having an outbreak before you have sex and give him the choice to not expose himself.

Votes: +2
Inactive 21 Nov 2012

Hello Bbcampos. Chances are that it was passed on. Regards pledge

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herpes simplex, sex

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