I live near nothing, I really need some help finding a pain doc who will rx meds and due trigger point injections. I have had six major pelvic/abd surgery and now I have adhesions and severe pain. My pain doctor retired and his practice has changed the doc there said I should not get trigger point injections they are not indicated, he's wrong. I could travel to Harrisburg, Reading, Philly, Allentown, Scranton Hershey. I have been searching but no luck. Anyone able to recommend a doctor or clinic? There was a local doctor who lost her license for rx to many narcotics recently. I was at my pcp today and he actually said did you read the paper? I said no he told me about this doctor and I said what does that have to do with us? He said he will no longer be giving pain meds, gave me a months worth and said good luck... Unbelivable I am hearing from other people that they are either being precribed a lot less or are being told to find a Pain management doctor. Problem is they are not writing for meds. Some of us need meds I hate it but I am one of them. I would appreciate any input. Thanks.
I need help finding a pain doc who will write for meds, Pennsylvania?
Question posted by ksrock2 on 14 April 2012
Last updated on 15 April 2022
Answers Page 2
I'm sorry - I hear you. I wish I had an answer for you, but I don't. There are so many people like you searching for someone to please give them their pain meds! I feel for you - and am very concerned that this is my future also. I didn't want for no one to answer you - we know how hard it is. Doctors have decided not to prescribe pain meds, and you suffer because of it. I wish I had an answer for you - I truly do. - ElizaJane
Nice of you to take the time to write. How much more should I have to suffer, I have had 6 pelvic/abd surgeries due complex ovarian cysts and cannot have my belly opened again unless I'm dying. My fifth surgery was a total hyster but that didn't even last. I ended up with ovarian remnant syndorme. left ovary, ovaries grew back two on my bowel and one one my left ureter. These things were producing complex cysts and then they would rupture. Because of my adhesions my gyno did not want to open me again because she was aftraid that I would end up with pain the rest of my life just from the surgery. I was ready to have it right away, one year after the total hyster but I was only 37. I had to go back on lupron anyway after five years she had to do it because the ovary on my ureter began to mess with kidney function and it near killed me. What a mess If I was a man I would be healthy.
Ihave allowed doctors to perform risky invasive procedures and all for not the only thing that ever worked was oxycontin and then they changed the formula and that stopped working, it's like the deck is stacked against me and I am playing with a bad hand. I don't even want pills I just need this pain to stop. Sorry for the rant I am just upset. Our gov is again stepping in and are more concerned with adusers then those who benefit.
I hope you are able to continue to get what you need I wish you the best eliza.
Thanks - I wish I knew the answer. I've seen studies that show that opiate pain meds actually cause more myalgia pain, but I've rarely heard a chronic pain patient say that after a time of being off all opiates. Easy for doctors/scientists to say, right? Are there any large regional of teaching hospitals you could travel to - I know we have Johns Hopkins in my area. They did help a lot with rhizotemy's - radio frequency ablation procedures that allow them to zap the critical nerves in that area to relieve pain. I see a pain specialist that had a Fellowship at Hopkins when I was there, and have benefitted greatly from them. The nerves grow back in 3-24 months - then you have it done again. Maybe this would help? You never know - going to these big hospitals you are more likely to find a doctor that has seen similar cases. I hope you get help somewhere, and fast! ElizaJane
Hi Did u found wat u were looking for
Hey guys I'm going through the same things only I'm in va I've got several things wrong with my back my disks and spine my previous doc got into trouble 4 writing to many scripts but why should I have to pay for that I have my medical records and everything and the oxycodone 15mgs... and other medication that allowed me to have a somewhat normal life are gone and my conditions are all only going to get worse I just want my medication back and not be treated like a criminal to get them??? If anyone can refer a doc in the Roanoke or Staunton VA. Area please let me know
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