... the pain medication will not have any effect for my post care. Does anyone know how long until you can feel the affects of opoids again after the shot?
Vivitrol - I have to have surgery exactly 31 days after my 1st vitriol injection and am concerned?
Question posted by concerned anna on 28 April 2015
Last updated on 6 December 2021 by Streamlinemoderne
3 Answers
I know this was five years ago but am posting here as others may have the same question. The short answer - most of the Vivitrol will be out of your system. It can take up to 50 days for all of it to dissipate in some patients.
My story: I decided to have nasal surgery to correct a deviated septum and I was fine. Since I was still on Vivitrol, they wouldn't give me anything except Tylenol even though I took Vivitrol for alcohol dependence. I've never had an issue with opioids.
Right after the surgery, the doctor took pity on me because I was in quite a bit of pain and I immediately felt better after he adjusted my IV. So you can totally feel the effects of opioid pain relief. I had to make do with just Tylenol after that though which was super frustrating. But not being able to get pain relief is everyone's problem right now because they are so afraid of getting in trouble or being sued.
If you are having major surgery and can plan ahead and your doctor thinks it's safe to come off Vivitrol and take oral Naltrexone in those hard moments, I would definitely try that. If you can't plan, be sure that you will be able to get access to pain relief. More than likely they'll put the good stuff in your IV anyway. Hope this helps.
I had 3 surgeries my first one was carpal tunnel double surgery I took no pain medication My two other surgery for plastic surgery I had a breast implant and breast lift It was very painful I did go on pain medication for 3 days and I got off my shot one month before so I didn't pick up so let's just say for an example I get my surgery in February I didn't take my shot in January and then by February when I had my surgery I was on pain medication for 3 days and I would have waited 10 days and then got my shot again. The shot works because I refused pain meds at first but they still gave it to me bc they couldn't let me leave in the state that I was in. My point is the old me would of had one taste of opioids and go off and running I didn't even want them at all and tossed out the pain meds he gave me two different pain pills Dilaudid and small Percocets. My old two best friends. I literally had 50pain pills and only took it 3 times a day for 3 days . The shot works.
If in the event that its still effecting you there are instructions on what the drs should do to treat pain. Since the dosing is every 4 weeks, hopefully 31 days it will be gone.
Related topics
vivitrol, pain, surgery, injection, opioid, medication, pain medication
Further information
- Vivitrol uses and safety info
- Vivitrol prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Vivitrol (detailed)
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