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Sometimes I don't "feel" my urine stream when I'm urinating. What could cause that?

3 Answers

cupcake7667 15 Feb 2013

Urine incontinence. Very common in elderly or women who have had children. I have a friend in her mid 50's who just had to have the bladder sling surgery where they pull everything up nice and tight. It's very common. Could you provide us with a little more detail? Best!

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Rowdyone321 29 Oct 2016

I am 63 children

happybrandee 14 Feb 2013

I have that same problem from time to time and my doctor said that it was just a loss fof sensation in that area, it could be due to child birth, getting older, or even from wearing your panties or jeans too tight either now or even when you were younger. But, that was what my doctor told me, you should mention this to your doctor and let him or her tell you what could be causing this with you because everyone is different, and I am not a doctor or a nurse and only your doctor can tell you exactly wht is going on.
Hope this helps!!

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DzooBaby 14 Feb 2013

Hard to say without knowing your health history and age. It could be a loss of nerve function in the area.

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