My wife have been taking Lexapro for three weeks for anxiety and depression caused by increase anxiety and taking Buspirone for two weeks. The first two weeks, the doctor prescribed 10mg but 10mg caused extreme fatigue and made her feel very lethargic. She also experienced other side effects. We thought the side effects would lessen with a week or two but nothing changed. After two weeks, we asked the doctor for advise and he recommended that we take the dosage down to 5mg. Even though the extreme fatigue improved slightly, she is still extremely tired and drowsy during the day and she has acquired new side effects due to the dosage change. Are there any supplements or methods that can help my wife cope with taking this medication. She is trying to hang in there because we have seen that it can take between 2 to 8 to feel better but she has suffered for a long time. Are there any coping methods or remedies that can help her cope with taking the medication?