Hi all, i started lexapro 11 days ago now, and it has been a bit of tough road so far..
I was on celexa 3 years ago for panic & anxiety and got after a year and was pretty successful.
My anxiety came back around 8 weeks ago and i went to a different doc you recommended lexapro 5mg, I started and the first few days were so so had poor appetite and poor sleep and then come day 3 i was pretty anxious after i woke up form a sleep and struggled to control my taughts, i came around and was ok. I am still able to work and pretty social but i have these terrible body feeling inside and i have got got my head stuck in an anxiety loop of fear.. I switched taking my med until before i go to bed and now i wake up every morning at 4am and twist and turn until my alarm goes off. I know i need to be more patient and i know its a long term plan but any tips for getting through these days or anyone have this empierce and come out the right side ?