Cannot take Tylenol. Ibuprofen ineffective. Doctor did not advise any pre-infusion prep nor discuss any possible side effects from Reclast infusion. Diagnosed with Osteoporosis post shoulder fracture and Dexa scan. I'm 57 yrs old, female, in good health. No aches or pains prior to infusion. Infusion was 36 hours ago. 8am 8/31/2022. Fell asleep during 15 minute infusion. Fell asleep at the wheel while driving home. Mother woke me and took over driving. Fell right to sleep once home. Woke up 6 hours later with the following which have progressively gotten worse in level. Severe bone and joint pain everywhere, headache, eye pain, swelling of hands unable to bend fingers, sore throat, vertigo, nausea, burning sensation inside upper right arm, sensation of something tied tight just above both wrists, food and water have strange taste, dentures no longer fit appropriately maybe from swelling, can't concentrate or focus on anything but the pain, when I attempt to walk my feet ankles and knees pop and feel like bones aren't connected to anything. I have only taken 600mg of Ibuprofen twice. I'm drinking plenty of water. Doctor said to tough it out this will pass in 3-10 days. Cannot take this for 10 days. Need some kind of relief. I'm not one to complain much over discomfort. This is far beyond discomfort. A friend suggested CBD. I've never tried it before so a little hesitant. Anybody have better suggestions? Thanks