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I have doxycycline capsules but cant swallow the whole tablet, can I put the contents in applesauce?


Marvell 31 Jan 2013

Although it's not ideal, yes, you can put the contents of doxycycline capsule in apple sauce, but please take the full dose. Might be a good idea to mix it with very little apple sauce so that you can take it in one go. I must warn you though that the taste might not be pleasant, and please take more food before the medicine and drink lots of water after taking the dose. You really want to wash all the medicine down into your stomach and none remaining in the esophagus.

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Jayl100787 21 March 2017

I know this is an old thread but I'm just wondering if I put the doxycycline powder into my food can it sit overnight in the fridge? I have difficulty swallowing so i mixed it into some food I intend to take to work. free discount card

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