My mom has major health issues. She has COPD, CHF, diabetes, Stage IV renal disease, and in 2021 she fell and broke her leg, which gives her a slew of problems. She can't walk from the living room to the kitchen without being out of breath. Then there is my dad. He has been seeing "people" for about a year and a half. He thinks they live in the garage. He says they come I'm the house. Recently, he is having trouble identifying my mom. He will be fine, and on a dime he will change and think she is someone else. Then it's on. He will go all over looking for mom. She will try to tell him that it's her he's looking at or talking too, but he won't believe her. They have started him on Dopenizil 5mg at night, but she says he seems worse. Hes only been on it a week. I live about 3 hours from them and the guilt I feel for not moving home to care for them is tremendous. I have a physically and mentally handicapped sister that has lived with me since mom fell in 2021. I work full time, I have my home, our church, and my husband has expressed he does not want to live up there. I have tried to get someone from the local home health agency to go in and do light duty chores for them but they are secluded and no one wants to go. I have invited them to come here and live. I have a small home and it would be an adjustment, but my dad wont even consider it and told me to drop it. It's only me. I'm it. No other siblings to help. If I would go, I'm going to be caring for 3 people that can't do anything for themselves 24/7. I don't know how to do it. My depression is through the roof, my heart sinks everytime the phone rings. I have honestly wished God would just take me home to he with Him. I'm tired and I don't know where to turn. Can the Dopenezil start helping even if he seems worse right now? Before all of this, at least he could care for her to an extent and call me if something happened. Now, I don't know what would happen if one or the other needed help. I know he couldn't call 911 and give accurate information and I don't know if she could make it to the phone