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My dog took a 5mg ambien by mistake, should I worry?

3 Answers

Alaskacj 12 Dec 2016

My 140 pound GSD found a 10mg Ambien my husband dropped. He did not show signs of aggression or hyperactivity, though both are possible. He did "walk drunk" and have tremors of his eyes/eye muscles. Didnt really kick in for 6-8 hrs and vet said to expect longer time frame for drug to clear. Vet said to let him sleep it off!.
As for a dog getting a human med... things happen. We are HUMAN! Don't judge people!!

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mhelcl 24 May 2013

Ambien will make dogs go super hiper. It has a paradoxical effect on dogs and cause the exact opposite effect from humans. No one knows exactly why.
The dog will be just fine and will calm down in few hours.

Votes: +1
kaismama 24 May 2013

You're darn right you should be worried. Call a vet. What are you doing letting a poor dumb animal get hold of a pill. I don't even know if the drug is safe for animals. And it would have to be a pretty big dog to deal with an adult dose.

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mhelcl 24 May 2013

I actually gave my 10 pound dog a 10 mg ambien after he received 5 shots from a vet and was hurting. I could not believe how hiper the dog became and I than did more research and learned about this paradoxical effect of Ambien on dogs. Quite interesting indeed.

tracy11467 14 June 2015

Wow! Mistakes happen. Are you always this judgemental?

somanypills 24 July 2015

I bumped into this comment and found it quite aggressively worded. Please ... I'm sure you're not perfect ... chill with your harsh scoldings; they aren't helpful.

JM0808 29 Sep 2017

I feel sorry for your kids if that’s how aggressive you are over someone being concerned for a mistake they acknowledge they made. And personally, you’re lucky I don’t personally know you cause I would put you and possibly your jaw in check real quick for acting like such a douche. It is always the smallest of insecure people who have to find their extremely low self-esteem by verbally bashing and degrading people, especially on an anonymous website. What a ungrateful candy-ass you are! free discount card

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