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Are there any doctors in the Houston, Texas area that will prescribe hydroxychloroquine?


Queenstar 7 Jan 2021

Hope so.

Votes: +0
kevinb1953 10 July 2020

Only in extreme, unimpeachable conditions. By the way, this FDA and public outcry is NOT only a "Texas" phenomenon, but extends across ALL 50 states and onward. It's the overdose/high society's "excuse" they're exploiting. "Sorry" but they may say to you but ask all of us that are in such situations that require real pain relief. From people in their nineties to people just off the battlefields that are all shot-up, pain meds are only administer short term and for only well documented and hurting individuals. Thanks be it to the insurance companies and others that have litigation as their "payer"
Malpractice insurance is very expensive..used or not. Public opinion was/is very heavy as to "Why/how did my loved ond die just because of the greedy manufacturers and illicit drugs with chemistry developed to help us!
Very much in my personal and humbled opinionsl. We are not alone.
So many people NEED these meds!
Best regards. I'll be praying for your relief.

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hydroxychloroquine, doctor, prescription

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