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Clonazepam - What would make Klonopin not show up on a drug screen?

Answers Page 3

Mergatroid 8 Sep 2011

Mine did not show up when I took it and had a test to work at the hospital. I told them I was on it for sleep, but it does not stay in your system for a long time, and I drink a lot of water, so had to re-test the next day and not drink any water.

Votes: +3
Srr1111 7 March 2017

That's odd they said it's not in the system for long because it is and one day shouldn't make a difference. Maybe it's not the right medication fit for you.

jk13 12 March 2011

Klonopin is a very very very long acting drug that will stay in your system for a long time. The only thing that will cover it up is just not taking the drug. Bring your doctors script in, and you should be in the clear.

Votes: +3
harvey111604 15 March 2011

I have been on klonopin for at least 6 months along with 8 other medicines and I took 2 mg klonopin 4 times and everyday I always made sure that was in my med tray then starting in Dec. it stopped showing up in my urine test every month so my doctor had to take me off of it and I need this Medicine. I took this medicine religiously if if I took nothing else I swear.

jk13 15 March 2011

Odd... the only thing that I can think of is if you have any sort of problems with either your liver or kidneys. Not a pleasant thought, but the only thing that I can think of.

harvey111604 16 March 2011

well my liver has been checked it was fine have not had my kidney's checked but about 7 years ago I had a fatty liver could that effect it?

harvey111604 16 March 2011

I am also on morphine, lortab, gabapentin, sevella, baclofen, potasssium, hydrochlorothiazide, voltaren, promethazine, and everything showsin urine test except my klonopin for 4 months I just can't figure out what went wrong with this one medicine.

mymy36 28 July 2011

I had the same type of incident happen with one of my past drs. He was giving me a urine test every month and my clonazepam wasn't showing up. I used to work in the lab at our local hospital and went to school for lab tech. I was taking my meds as prescribed and he was accusing me of not taking them. I went so far to get a copy of my labs and callled the company, Labcorp. They told me it was very easy for the clonopin to not show in a urine screen because it goes through your system so quickly. I think it's half-life is a short one. So, they suggested a blood test for the clonazepam. I went back to my dr and explained what I was told and he didn't like the fact that I had enough sense to call the lab and find out myself. I requested he do a blood screen and he did, after he did the urine screen right there which showed no clonopin. The blood test came back with my levels exactly what they should have been. This may be what's going on with you. Just wanted to get that info out there. Some dr's don't care if they help you or not. Sad but true.

mymy36 28 July 2011

I read the comment about the Klonopin being a long acting drug. That is correct. If you take it for a long time. IN my case, my dr was using a urine drug screen that checked for classes of drugs, benzodiazapine being the class for clonazepam. When I spoke to the lady at LabCorp who was working at an out of my state office that did tests for that part of the US, she said that many times the metabolites that are excreted in urine are so small they would not be recognized by lots of urine tests that are called dip tests or that would require urine being dropped on the test, much like a pregnancy test. She then told me to request a blood test specific for clonazepam.

Chucklin 1 June 2016

No its water soluble it stays in ur system the most 4 days

Scorp21 8 May 2017

Like what have you learned since October I'm going threw the same thing been taking it for years religiously everyday half n hour before I go dyalize dr did a blood tox screen everything showed up except my clonipins and that's crap right there I couldn't dyalize without them I asked him to do another he wouldn't I've been told by a my nurse b4 that (having attacks in dy.) to take two before half b hour b4 dyalisis because they can be dyalized out I heard no so idk but he dropped me as a patient no there drs are going to see me because u get labeled as a drug dealer or whatever they r thinking or doing I can't prove myself right it's making me so depressed worse pain I know Boone will listen to me now that I see all the stories on here and I never have not taken them is there a dr out there that can help me this dr WILL NOT LISTEN TO ME AT ALL I TOTALLY JUST QBOUT GIVE UP I DO NOTKNOW WHAT THWY ARE SOING TO ME SOUNDS LIKE THRY R TRYING TO OFF ME ...


BEING IN DYALISIS FOR 17 years I'm in absolute shock and I can't get outta bed I hurt really bad like the last ones he gave me don't seem to be working idk I just need help really bad an1 out there no answers quick I'm going threw this right now and I can't take it anymore alreadyso any advice would be great or something please n ThankYou

kristy541 15 March 2018

This is not true. Benzos are a short acting medication

Little P 31 March 2019

JK13 I had my one kidney removed a few months ago due to kidney cancer so would this make it stay in system longer or leave my system quicker? Anyone know?

skfreedman10 21 Jan 2022

It has a half live which means it stays in your system for a while. free discount card

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klonopin, anxiety, insomnia, panic disorder, clonazepam

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