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If I am prescribed klonopin and take a few xanax, will both show up on drug screen?

4 Answers

kompoze 26 Sep 2012 only test for benzodiazipines..which is in the Xanax.. if u take a Xanax it will clear your system with in 2-3 days.. and if ur prescribed to something.. no matter how long ago can be cleared from that ..

Votes: +0
slosippa 16 Aug 2012

it depends on the type of test the user is giving. if it is a test that is ONLY checking for benzodiazipines then,no. if it is a more advanced test being administered for say a drug treatment plan then yes,they do have the ability to have a test that will distinguish the two. ironically,i am Rx'd these two meds and when i take a drug test for my doctor,it just says im positive for does show up both,just that im positive for benzos in general:) hope ive helped:)

Votes: +4
Inactive 16 Aug 2012

Hello curiousin. Yes, they will show up and from the time both were taken, for several weeks, possibly longer. Best of health and wishes!! pledge

Votes: +2
balbanese 15 Aug 2012


Votes: +1
MacIntosh12 16 Aug 2012

Well, that was straight to the point B!

balbanese 16 Aug 2012

Well? It's the answer.

imme 20 May 2013

if your in a pain management program an they have you on klonopin an you take a 1mg Xanax will it show the difference between them showin one being Xanax an one being klonopin? free discount card

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klonopin, xanax, drug screen

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