Can a doctor just suddenly take you off of Xanax after being prescribed 4 a day for approximately 6 years? I have a very high anxiety disorder and depression due to childhood occurrences and a physically abusive marriage for 13 years. This is my 1st day without the medication and I am ready to lose my mind already, to say the least. I left his office yesterday in a panic (which is when I normally have the seizures but, I did have my doses for yesterday and even saved one for this morning when I woke up. I have been having seizures due to stress and I DO depend on the Xanax to keep me from the anxiety, depression and seizures. Is this legal on his part? I take the medication as prescribed, I have never tested positive for anything else, I have already had TWO CT's and an MRI per his (The Dr.'s) request and now he wants to do a brain wave test but, wants me off the Xanax for the wave test. I walked out because he had already taken from me the only thing I have found that works and there is NOTHING wrong with my brain, it all stems from my past. What should I do? And is this legal for him to abruptly stop the Xanax at the drop of a hat with NO Notice, No weaning off, no substitute, NOTHING!!! Especially when Xanax is the ONLY thing that works for me?
Can a doctor just suddenly take you off of Xanax after being prescribed them for approx 6 years?
Question posted by Incognito1218 on 14 July 2010
Last updated on 15 October 2021 by Madderashell
I guess I should add that I am a 42 yr old female, Mother of 3, ages 26 (girl) 19 (boy) and 13 yr (girl). I was physically and sexually abused as a child, I was physically abused for 13 yrs by my husband, I'm currently a Criminal Justice student, I have been through Micro-computer Accounting and Medical Office Specialist. Why would he even think there would be something wrong with my brain and after the tests I have already had, why does he see the need to continue with more tests? Clearly, I have explained my life to him, is it so hard for him to understand that thoughts of my past haunt me and cause my stress, anxiety and seizures??!! Lord Help Him and I both!! He is a quack that I will NEVER return to.
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18 Answers
Mine took me off of my Xanax after being on them 20 years, it’s the only thing that worked for me and my depression and anxiety..
And I haven’t been able to function right since.
I have been a Registered Nurse for 25 years. No, HE CANNOT ABRUPTLY DISCONTINUE YOUR XANAX if you are on it for more than one month. Xanax is classified as a benzodiazepine (benzo for short). "Do not stop taking benzos because it can cause serious and life-threatening side effects including unusual movements, seizures, sudden and severe mental or nervous system changes, depression, auditory and visual hallucinations, psychosis, suicidal thoughts, coma, and death. Other symptoms can last several weeks to more than 12 months. It would help to know the dosage you are taking though. I have been on Klonopin 2-3 mg per day and Xanax 2 mg per day since 1990, no abuse. I would be in trouble if I stopped.
I too, was compelled to create an account because I can relate to many postings here. I have been on Xanax for about 18 years. I am on a very low dose 1.5 mg total /day. I'm bipolar2, PTSD and generalized anxiety disorder with panic disorder as well. The xanax has been what has kept me sane and as functional as I can be considering dealing with the above. I was sexually abused as an infant - toddler years, experienced natural disaster trauma aged 4. These conditions have been hardwired into my brain/fight or flight responses. I have no control over them, and if I did and knew a cure to stop it aside from my meds, I'm sure I'd be a millionaire.
I've been seeing the same psych Dr. for almost 20 yrs. and she has recently retired. I recently have had gabapentin added to combat increase of depression, but also I have arthritis so it helps with that as well. I also take a beta blocker for HBP and tachycardia. The xanax helps to regulate the tachycardia as well.
I live in a small rural community and there really are no psych Drs around who can pick up with my psychiatric care, so I have coordinated continuing care with a summary referral (which I'm still waiting on) with my Primary Care Physician. He has np with continuing my prescriptions, but perhaps this may be due to the fact that the xanax dosage level is so low.
Even with that being said, if I were to suddenly go off even this low dose, I envision myself feeling like death. I can feel and even see my heart pounding hard and it feels pretty awful, like I'm having a heart attack. If I sit still during one of these episodes, and a strand of hair is resting on my chest, I can see it bouncing as my heart beats. Not a good feeling at all and typically this occurs during stress or when it's the time of day to take a pill. I will add that these episodes of heart issues started before I was ever taking xanax. So this has been a life saving drug for me as I'm sure I'd be dead from a heart attack by now if I hadn't have had it.
I understand especially now it's bad, due to the expanding opioid crisis that restricted drugs (class A or whatever they're called) are being protectively monitored by medical groups, pharmacies and probably that is sent down through the FDA or other entities to prohibit illegal use, Dr. shopping etc etc.
The results of that are that those who do benefit and receive therapeutic results from controlled substances are left under continual scrutiny, possible denial of services and suffer what could possibly be life threatening conditions when these medications are denied to them for the intended purposes.
I don't find it coincidental at all that many here have all been through similar traumatic life incidents to then receive similar symptoms and diagnosis' upon adult treatment as I have. It really upsets me that we suffer for the poor decisions made about controlled substances when they obviously are indeed therapeutic and lifesaving for those of us who do benefit from the administration of them.
There has been some very good advice here to definitely find medical care in your community that will correspond with the administrations that are helpful for you. You can only keep trying to find a Dr. who will help you. It is frustrating and tiresome but I urge you to not give up.
If this is not possible for you to find any Dr. who will help you and give you the medications you need, then if I were you, I would take myself straight to the ER, tell them as concisely as possible what your situation is just as you have described here for us, and demand them you be monitored by Drs. and professionals who will prevent any life threatening withdrawal symptoms if they can not provide the medications you have been taking for so many years. Most ER's can not refuse your entry and considering that yes, seizures, coma and death can occur while withdrawing from benzo administration, they really are obligated to monitor or at the very least give you resources for a medical professional who can help you.
Good luck to all of you
After reading the comments on this board, now I'm really terrified. I was put on valium at 17 (I'm now late 60's and take 3mg daily of Rx clonazepam. So I've been taking them 50+ yrs. My psychiatrist of 18 yrs just retired, tired of fighting the govt for prescribing "benzos" to those who really need them. Now NO Dr wants to prescribe them for fear of being prosecuted, so I guess I'll have to go to a hospital for this. I was taking prescribed opioid pain meds for 15 yrs following a car accident (I was hit by a drunk while stopped at a red light.) and it was hell getting off them, but I did it at home 2 yrs ago. But this is different, and much harder to get off of. Last time I tried, I very nearly went insane.
I responded to this with a lengthy explanation and my own experience but it's not here does it need to be approved or something because I am new
Such misinformation on seizures. I have something called PNES(pseudo non epileptic seizures). They’re brought on by extreme stress, extreme anxiety and sleep deprivation(for me). I’m on Valium to help control it which my primary dr lowered the dosage without consulting me(twice) and I was informed today they’re trying to wean patients off of it. My anxiety and stress is sky rocketing due to some family issues which brought on the condition initially. Valium is the only thing that controls it. I’m on my second dr and might be looking for a third. This is wrong on so many levels that I can go on and on. I worry at what point does it come across as doctor shopping and not someone desperate to find help before another seizure occurs. Anyway, please educate yourself on seizure disorders. I was insulted by what was said enough so to start an account.
I've been taking Xanax since I was 18 years old I'm now 48 and I'm going between 6 milligrams and now I'm at 3 mg and just this month when I did my refill online and my Pharmacy when I picked it up he dropped it to 1 mg a day for 10 days then half a milligram for 10 days and then half milligram for the last 10 days without even Consulting with me I don't know how he can even do this and I need to know what I can do to file a complaint with the medical board or if I should get a lawyer because I don't abuse them I'm diagnosed with bipolar PTSD anxiety depression Mania and he just changed my meds without even seeing me I'm already going out of my mind trying to take One A Day and I'll end up having to buy them off the street.
Which I ask what you do not want to do I've never had a problem of abusing them I've never lost them or said they were stolen I mean sometimes I didn't think I'm up two days late because I would have a couple extra if I didn't need all three that day.
I'm absolutely Furious and crawling on my skin and my wife already sees it and it hasn't even been three days does anyone have any advice of what I can do ?
Should I file a complaint with the State Medical Board against his doctor should I hire a lawyer?
Any advice I would greatly appreciate
Freaking out in Massachusetts
Yes a doctor can stop giving you the medication of Xanax or any benzodiazepine and it's very non-professional of him to abruptly stop giving you a benzo especially that you've been taking it for 6 years which can trigger seizures convulsions, even death and if this doctor is firm about his or her decision I would immediately advise you to see another health professional and ask them to either taper you off or continue prescribing alprazolam I've been taking benzodiazepines for 25 years and have stopped for 4 months it was a very hard painstaking and terrible withdrawal to go through lucky to be alive but still considering on taking clonazepam as needed due to severe panic attacks Xanax half life is very short so again I would say you should consider taking clonazepam it has a longer Half-Life and in my opinion a lot more solid of a benzodiazepine to take is it and remember you're not going to able to sleep and that's going to make it harder to do tasks and manage everyday living
Xanax is the only medication of its type that works well for some people that don’t abuse it and don’t take more than what the doctor orders. This is the only med that worked for me and I tried many. It doesn’t make me high, it allows me to function as a productive human being.
I tried Clonazepam and that just made me sick, depressed, and afraid.
This is not right and you need a new doctor or a rehabilitation center.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news but you can't have seizures because of a tramatic childhood. UNLESS you were physically abused (head injuries) then possibly. Ask any Dr, they will agree that unless there was head trauma, you don't get seizures from horrible memories and/or anxiety. You get seizures from SOMETHING BEING WRONG IN YOUR BRAIN. You can also get them from withdrawals of your anxiety medicine, if you are suddenly without them. About 2 weeks is when the seizures from withdrawals will start. Everyone is different in this regard, but 2 weeks is about the norm.
You are so far from the truth. Seizures can occur at anytime during the onset of withdraw. If you do not have a medical background and or training, its unethical to give out such false information. I know patients that have seized after 8-10 hours. Body chemistry, the duration of use, and many other factors do into this.
I've had seizures and they did 4 MRI's within 3 days. They were NOT caused by anything being wrong with my brain. They were caused by an antidepressant + the stress my body was under. The chemicals you become used to while taking or not taking certain medications can cause the body to have reactions like seizures. Imagine going about your day normally and at random all the air is just gone... trying to breathe but someone who still has air keeps telling you it's fine, no big deal... and you're stuck just hoping it gets better. That's what your brain feels when it's trying to figure out how to deal with the dramatic loss of a chemical it's been used to for so long and then it has to simultaneously figure out how to cope with the feelings and stress that the chemical was helping. You dont have to smack your head on anything to have a seizure, it's just a common misconception that you do.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news to YOU, Kiera33! But YES, you can absolutely have a seizure from too much stress! My husband had a seizure from stress alone! It has nothing to do with medication, because he doesn't take anything, nor does he have a problem with anxiety! They did CT Scans, MRI's, EEG's, they even tried to MAKE HIM have a seizure, and nothing worked. They found absolutely NOTHING wrong with him. He was in perfect health, but he was under an extreme amount of stress at the time. So yeah... do some research first please, before you tell someone that what's happening to them is not possible. Thanks!
Not seizures from a traumatic childhood, seizures from withdrawal from xanax!!!
This response is so far from the truth. You can have seizures from too much stress, you can also have many other unexpected things happen. Stopping xanax or cutting your dose too fast will absolutely spike alot of stress and anxiety and cause terrible things. i just got cut in half by my dr on friday and do not know what to do. i have also been on it for over 6 years. never abused it. take 2 mg mid day and 2mg at night for my nightterrors and sleep issues. he cut me in half and i am struggling so bad trying not to take more then i am now prescribed by him. I am hoping my primary care dr will help me this friday with either a taper or put me back on my normal dose until i can get to see a new psychiatrist. i have called over 15 drs and can not get an appt until two months from now.
it hasnt even been a week with my dose cut in half with no warning that he was doing so, he said he has never prescribed me the medication then when he realized he had been he just gave me half my dose and one refill so i can find a new dr. i am struggling taking just 1 mg twice a day. i never ever took more then i was supposed to but im catching myself taking three 1mg a day and that isnt even helping. I am also prescribed many other psych meds due to trauma i grew up with and had a few years ago. abuse growing up, raped twice and found my fiance dead in our bathroom after he had been dead for 7 hours... all of that caused crazy problems when i already had existing issues. i am on Wellbutrin seroquel clonidine and something else but the only thing i know that helps is the xanax. i have never tried extended release form i would love to.. i am just at the point where im either going to end up in the hospital for suicidal and mental break down or end up in a detox when taking me off the medication is not going to help my situation... i dont know if i can contact a lawyer but that wont fix the now issue.
Did they give a reason as to why they are stopping it? I take it myself. I wished I Could come off it. I like you, have had a bad life, Child abuse growing up. Abusive relationship. I am just full of anxiety. I know how you feel. I am 3 a day of 1mg. I take as needed, but lately I have been relying on them more. My anxiety is through the roof. I've heard that people can have a siezure from abruptly stoping xanax or strokes. Please be careful. I hope you get to feeling better soon!
Hi, I was just trying to get answers to all my problems I am facing now. I hear you and totally understand what your going through because this is the feeling im getting and going through without xanax. I feel like throwing myself out of the window, I go crazy when im not popping in xanax, my mind my hands my body I cannot explain to others unless you arein the situation. It's easier saidthen done after 9 years of xanax. Started of with 0.5 mg 3 times daily n it doesn't work much so I self medicate 8 to 9 mg a day.
Im losing memory my anger was such that I was ready to kill anyone who annoys me. Finally a week back I went to A&E n told them whats happening. My doctor give me 2weeks. Only 2 weeks to get rid of xanax n put me on propranolol and Fluoxotine.
He said it would help alot to ease my anxiety but NO it doesnt though I fight to be positive and went to 2mg of xanax daily. But I cannot stop it totally. I want to live I want my life back.
Pls help.
It's just a terrible abuse to do that to you (all on it's own) & then knowing your past... Sounds like he was getting his rocks off on his misuse of power.. (A TOTAL SICKO). I'm so sorry to hear thats what another human being could or would do to another... Well, who knows, maybe there's a greater purpose for people that suffer in their life time. You will be great @ your courier(that), I am sure of. ( :
I to have been in that situation, I feel alive now because of it= AWAKE
Some doctors treat their patients as if they have axe to grind & I don't know why.
a lot of times it takes bad things to happen to us unfornitely, to give us that alive feeling. If you think about it how can you ttuly say i am happy, if u never fealt happy, you wouldnt recognize as a feeling that you now find is enjloyable. Sadly like most things in life there is a polar opposite, this case being sadness, wouldnt be great to go through life and say i've never felt sad, pain or unhappy, either we have a walking miracle "an angel if you will a,ong us" because to feel or beilive in one aspect this case feeling happy again, one must feel the opposite of happy, sad, depressed, hurt, lonely, one must sometimes go through those unpleasant emotions to be able to know what happy feels like or excitement and joy. and yes the scond aspect i'm sorry to another person caused you yhis pain and discomfort and am happy you now have an open book a new chapter of your life to write no suffering, and like you said at the end through it all you still came out ahead and feel awake, shows how stong you are as a person, best of luck.
It is terrible what people in authority can have the power to do to someones life, i have been there myslef as i watch doctors try to control my life with no care or regard to what the meds made me feel like or vice versa how bad i felt off someone of them and yes they ar out there they have god complexes cuz they know they can alter a persons life with one strokje of a pen, and with obama care coming, doctos arent happy thses days and i'v pesronally been a victim of a doctor just having a bad day. i had been on klonopin, lexapro and norco for at least 18 months and he stops the norco cold turkey and droped the klonopin to a 1/3 of my dose, i had a rough two weeks til i found another doc, no scleep, just agony, so i feel your pain, its not fair nor is it looked at by those who should be monitorinf doctors.
Related topics
xanax, depression, anxiety, panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder
Further information
- Xanax uses and safety info
- Xanax prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Xanax (detailed)
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