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Is it best to to take Rexulti in the morning or at bedtime?

3 Answers

Iscander 5 April 2022

My psychiatrist put me on 0.5-1 mg for depression.
I can't take it neither at morning, nor at night. If I take it at morning, it sedates me strongly. I can't work on it.
If I take it at night, I can't sleep normally. It makes my sleep shallow and interrupted. I am waking up exhausted.
I am stopping it for now.

Votes: +0
Suki1234 23 Sep 2020

I started taking Rexulti in conjunction with Celexa. I started with .5mg and have worked gradually to 3 mg. I was told to take it at bedtime, however I notice that since around the time I started rexulti I started waking up at 2 or 3 am. I continued taking it thinking it was unrelated .
About a week ago I started taking it in the morning and it's working out fine. I seem to have energy now through out the day and sleeping through the night. My only side affect is constipation.

Votes: +2
Mjsofa 23 Sep 2020

Thank you for posting this. Since I started taking it in the evening I wake up at the EXACT TIME every night that you were. I’m gonna try switching to days as well and see if it will helps me start sleeping through the night too

WildcatVet 5 April 2016

Rexulti can be taken morning or evening, with or without food, but because it can cause some fatigue and sleepiness in some people it's probably best to take it at night until you know how it affects you.

Votes: +2
McCraryFamily 8 April 2016

Thank you WildcatVet for your help. I am taking 1mg at night. I've been on it 7 days. I'm having vivid dreams during the night. I know that's a side effect that people taking Rexulti have.

WildcatVet 8 April 2016

Yes, vivid, abnormal dreams can be a side effect for some people, but the good news is most side effects usually resolve on their own after a few days to a couple of weeks.
Good luck on your journey with Rexulti and feel free to post any questions or concerns you may have, okay?

vhbeme 18 March 2018

I have been wondering the same thing. I started Rexulti 1 mg 3 days ago to go along with my Trintellix. I feel pretty tired during the day even tho I take it at night but then being tired all the time and unmotivated is why my doctor added Rexulti. How are u doing now on it?

mel davies 29 Aug 2021

does it take long to work?

mel davies 29 Aug 2021

does it take long to work?

WildcatVet 29 Aug 2021

This link should be helpful:
There is another link towards the bottom that will also provide you with more information about the medication. free discount card

Related topics

depression, major depressive disorder, rexulti

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