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Azelastine - Any suggestions on dealing with the bad taste?


Inactive 3 Sep 2012

I also use Asteline or Azestaline which is the generic now for my allergies, & have never had this problem. Are you sure that you are using it correctly? Your doctor should have shown you physically how to use this spray, It isn't like most sprays where you tilt the head back. Instead you til the body forward & make sure your head is very forward before pumping a spray into each nostril 2 times rotating from one to the other. You should remain in that postition until you have completed the 4 sprays. I have used this since it came on the market, & it is the best! I have severe allergies to about everything, & have tried about everything. The only thing I do notice about the Asteline is a bit of dry nose. I usually solve this with a bit of vasoline on a Q-tip put high in the nostril before bedtime. Use a different one or end for each nostril in case of a sinus infection coming on. You can spread it using the same Q-tip in each nostril. Never bend your head backwards like with most nasal sprays using asteline or azelstaline, the generic, which I use. Doing so would definately give you a bitter taste in the mouth...

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HeadStarter 3 Sep 2012

Hello ibpistolsmith - What an interesting username? Are you a "smithy"??? Welcome to DC and I hope I can help you with this one. Biotene oral spray, toothpaste, oral rinse and oral gel can all help with that nasty, bitter taste. Also, keep yourself well hydrated. Biotene taste great and I use ALL of the oral products for dry mouth because of other autoimmune issues I am dealing with. These products can be found along with the toothpaste in your pharmacy and most major grocery chains.

Also, eating applesauce after your nasal spray can help, too.

I wish you well and an allergy free winter!!! I hope this is a seasonal thing with you... otherwise, I hope you are well controlled. I used to do the shots and I just outgrew the allergies. I started when I was around 19 and stopped needing anything when I hit my late 30s.

Happy Labor Day, to you!


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ibpistolsmith 3 Sep 2012

Retired now. Hobby smithy. Sinus problems for more than 60 years. Have run the gauntlet of meds over the years. Thanks for the help. Bob

HeadStarter 3 Sep 2012

My pleasure, Bob, and I hope you will try the Biotene... especially the mouth spray because you can use it unlimited. The oral gel can also be freely applied and will kill that other bitter taste, too.

Be well and take good care of you.

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