I am looking for moral support for TD. Any help is appreciated greatly.
Does anyone here have Tardive Dyskinesia from anti depressants?
Question posted by Marygilsmith on 20 Nov 2022
Last updated on 5 February 2023
The information on this page reflects personal experiences shared by our community members. It is not reviewed for medical accuracy and should not replace professional medical advice.
3 Answers
Tardive dyskinesia is uncommon with antidepressants as compared to the antipsychotic medications but there have been some post marketing reports. Unfortunately, there are the unlucky ones that will suffer from this disorder but there are cases where the TD wasn't permanent and resolved with time.
Ask your doctors about treatment with the FDA approved Austedo or Ingrezza.
Mine is from antidepressants.
Caused by Austedo! Has not gotten better after 2 yrs! Horrible and horrifying med!
Hi I have TD from all kinds of psych meds I tried in the past, over 10 years ago now: Antidepressants and antipsychotics. I discontinued all of those drug classes and found I feel better without them! But I started on Ingrezza with some improvement . I know what you're going through and there is no cure, Symptom management. I do take Clonazepam and use a night guard my dentist made for me and found I have been stable...
Thank you for the comment and I am sorry you also have TD. I believe my causation drug is Abilify. Do you know what caused your TD? How did you safely get off all the drugs?
I want to get off the Remeron ( that's the only AD I am currently on) and Clonazepam but just don't know how to do so without scary side effects. I am so scared.
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tardive dyskinesia, antidepressant
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