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Anyone taking Effexor xr that has developed a mettalic taste in mouth?

7 Answers

Jmo0930 13 Dec 2020

Yes, and it’s driving me nuts!!!

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Pluky 29 July 2015

I get a metallic taste in my mouth whenever I am late with my dosage.

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Pansy404 2 Feb 2013

I have been on Effexor XR 150mg daily for five years, and I have never had a metallic taste.

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adassel 2 Feb 2013

I take Effexor and have for about 5 years. I also have dry mouth. Before taking Effexor I was on lexapro. When I took it I also noticed a metallic taste in my mouth. I asked my dr and they said that is normal at first. Have u been on the Effexor very long?

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amajaden 1 Feb 2013

I take Effexor XR 150 mg. I only have dry mouth. I have never had a metallic taste!

Votes: +1
WildcatVet 1 Feb 2013

Hey, before! I've been on Effexor for years with no metallic taste, but at first it did give me dry mouth.

Votes: +1
Inactive 1 Feb 2013

Hello before and after. I researched and in that a dry mouth is a side effect in 22% of people using Effexor. Regards pledge

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effexor, effexor xr, depression, mouth

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