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Has anyone had problems removing Esting? I cannot remove mine. Please help???


skkrieger 24 Aug 2013

my sister was not able to remove the estring and the doctors (3)could not remove it after causing a lot of pain. She now has to have an MRI and go into JHH to surgically have it removed. Has anyone else been through this?

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suzanne66 8 Feb 2013

There have been a few cases of the vaginal ring becoming attached to the vaginal wall, making ring removal difficult. If removal is difficult leave it where it is and make an appointment to see your doctor.

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Amartoni 8 Feb 2013

Suzanne, Thank you for your response. I keep trying to remove it and have had no luck. I have a very tipped uterus so that may be part of the problem too. Unfortunately, I have no health insurance so I was avoiding calling the doctor because of the expense but I guess I will have too. Thanks again!!!

skkrieger 11 Sep 2013

If it gets attached have there been any cases of having this removed surgically? My sister is in the hospital now having it removed.

skkrieger 11 Sep 2013

Where did you find the information about the ring getting attached? free discount card

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