I have COPD. My doctor put me on 25 mg Metoprolol (Meto) and 10 mg Amlodipine (Amlod). After about 8 days I cut back to 12.5 mg Meto with the 10 mg Amlod because I was having some breathing difficulties, more than the norm, and also because my BPs seemed to go up a little. The drop in Meto seemed to work pretty well. My BPs were running in the 120s and I was very happy with the situation. Then suddenly I started having trouble breathing again. So I cut back to 5 mg Amlod. Breathing improved but BP went up. Is it the combination of Amlod and Meto that is causing the breathing problems? I wish this could be figured out because BPs were so good while on 12.5 mg Metoprolol and 10 mg Amlodipine. But something is causing me to have breathing problems above and beyond what I normally have.