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Does anyone know of any class action lawsuit against Latuda?

Answers Page 2

Liferuined 20 Aug 2017

Hello Loucretia Wells. I would also like to know the answer to this. Latuda ruined my life. I lost everthing I held dear. Please message me back so we can discuss this further.

Votes: +2
Timsmith78 1 Dec 2017

Latuda has also ruined my life.
Difficult driving in general.
The constant problem with perching my lips and making funny faces sweating profusely because of the muscle spasms that are happening in my front of my neck I've also chipped two teeth because my mouth is always tense as if I ate something sour. The only relief I get is sleep so I take Ambien as self treatment as well. Nothing seems to be helping and my neurologist says this is probably going to be a lifetime issue you're going to deal with and then there's the botox side effects for the lifetime

Rebecca Hoover 24 Jan 2018

I had kidney failure as I didn't know latuda caused high blood sugar. I am trying to find an attorney. i can be reached on facebook under Rebecca hoover bohar

Vickierferguson 2 Aug 2018

I had a complete cardiac work up 4 years ago. Everything was great. I started Latuda after telling my doctor that I didn't think I was bipolar now have an 80%blockage and narrowing veins. I blame the drug

IowaIronGirl 26 March 2017

Nothing as of right now. I developed irreversible TD and wish there was a way to be compensated. It was given to me inpatient and I was not aware of the risk.

Votes: +5
WildcatVet 20 Aug 2017

That was the fault of your provider.

Timsmith78 1 Dec 2017

I too have been suffering from TD in my neck and jaw lips for the last year-and-a-half from Latuda currently I'm getting Botox and Klonopin for treatment Botox helps a little but relax is all the muscles in the front of the neck and jaw so eating is difficult and tiresome with holding your head up

Timsmith78 1 Dec 2017

I too was not told about the side effects until after I got them soon after that my psychiatrist stopped taking my insurance and is cash only now but he kept me on Latuda for an additional 4 months after my tics started happening he threw all kinds of other medicine at it such as Cogentin Zenazine muscle relaxers I have the other ones written down but he threw probably five other medication to try to combat the muscle movement disorder.
I was also on Wellbutrin at the time my new psychiatrist told me he should have never put me on both of them at the same time it causes too much dopamine to be made in the brain and now that's the permanent side effect I have too much dopamine my brain is making and my body is shaking profusely my neck and face and neck movements is the only area that is affected. Very embarrassing to be in public and even have conversations with people is difficult because when you see people look at you differently while you're talking to them you know what they're thinking... free discount card

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