I started off on just one tablet at night just to numb the pain and to help me sleep. My partner noticed a few months later that, in her words "you have changed, you're not the man I met." I instantly told her that it was utter rubbish and I was still the same man that she had met. About a year later we both lost our dads within 8 weeks of each other. I did not cope with this at all well, and the only way I could get any sleep was to take more and more ami before bed. My anger became uncontrollable, my mood swings and just my overall personality changed. But at no point did I put this down to anything else apart from grief. Long story short, I am convinced that being on amitriptyline for 3 years and at on 3-4 tablets a night completely changed me from the person I was to somebody unrecognizable. I have always been a calm, very relaxed person, but on amitriptyline the slightest of things would irritate me and make my blood boil. in fact, looking back on it I just can't believe it took me three years to join the dots together. I am desperate to hear from others that may have had similar experiences because I have lost everything due to this, and I am convinced it was down to this. I have been off amitriptyline now since last July, and I can honestly say I am back to being the real me before this whole nightmare started. really hope somebody reaches out. Thank you