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Aldactone - Has any other women on Sprio experienced severe reocurring ovarian cysts?

7 Answers

AdriannaD 23 Aug 2023

Add another one to the list that has gotten ovarian cysts while taking the medicine.

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nicolewelling813 29 Nov 2022

I took spironolactone several years ago and developed an ovarian cyst. I didn’t think anything of the two being connected. About a month ago I began taking it again and today ended up in the ER with two ovarian cysts. I’ll keep the acne over this pain.

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Houdehbi 21 Oct 2022

I just started on aldactone about 2 months ago and developed my first ovarian cyst. It was so painful I had to go to the ER since they thought it may be appendicitis at first. I have immediately stopped taking this medication and will be contacting my dermatologist about it.

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amypond576 9 Sep 2020

Yes. I had two large ovarian cysts grow, one after the other, while on Spironolactone. The first cyst grew so large that it torsioned and I nearly lost my ovary. The second cyst was close to torsion when I discontinued the med, and the cyst began to shrink right after I discontinued. I also developed severe, extremely painful, lactic acidosis while on this medication. None of my doctors considered Spironolactone as the cause of either condition, nor had any heard of this happening before. However, I was able to find scattered accounts online of similar experiences.

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marien1313 12 April 2018

I've been taking 100mg of spironolactone nearly daily and have had the best skin of my life. A month ago my gyno found a simple ovarian cyst 6mm in diameter. I've never had a single ovarian cyst until now. I stopped taking the spiro immediately. I cannot think of any other reason than the spiro which really upsets me because now my skin isn't great BUT it's better than whatever else may follow. I can't find a connection either other than all of the posts i've read with woman stating similar situations, which makes me think it has to be the spiro. It is messing with our hormones so... but I so badly want someone to tell me it's not related! I just find it way too coincidental. Just turned 40. Healthy weight. Underactive thyroid. Nothing in my history or prescriptions leads me to believe it's a coincidence. :/

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Inactive 12 Oct 2014

Hi there- I just actually googled a connection between Spirono and cysts... I have been on spirono 100mg for about 4.5 years for acne and in the last year have developed cystic ovaries and cysts on my breast. I also believe it is due to spirono. Sad that... I have no conclusive proof, just a hunch, and I really dont want to quit taking the spirono for acne, but I do not believe it is worth the side effects.
Best of luck to you and sorry for the frustration your experiencing due to the cysts.

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Marvell 3 Sep 2012

I briefly looked at the reviews and no one has mentioned recurring ovarian cysts as a side effect, and it isn't mentioned as a known side effect but I assume it could cause it if you didn't have the problem before taking spironolactone.

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aldactone, acne, ovarian cysts

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