Alcohol & Bupropion: never ever? Does anyone on bupropion drink without a problem?
Question posted by sirensiren on 21 March 2013
Last updated on 24 August 2020 by WildcatVet
It seems there are some horror stories of attempting to have alcohol while on bupropion- light headed and depressed for days, it hitting WAY too hard etc.
Though I am only in my 2nd week, and drinking is the last thing on my mind, I hope it's not impossible that I can enjoy a 2-3 drinks a week once I feel stable on this medication.
Does anyone find that they can drink without it being a problem? What are your experiences with alcohol and bupropion?
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25 Answers
24 Aug 2020
There is a reason that you are told not to drink alcohol with many different medications!!! Yes, some people drink with no problems but then they're are the people who have suffered greatly, even died, as a result of the effects of this interaction. Also, alcohol is a depressant drug and bupropion (and all similar drugs) are antidepressants. That should tell you something... like why bother taking the medications at all. If you need to drink so badly that you ignore the warnings then maybe you do need prescription drugs and maybe a little therapy too. Good luck!
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24 Aug 2020
Before Bupropion I could drink a few vodkas with minor usual symptoms next morning... Not the same on Bupropion. I don't get the usual relaxed buzz from alcohol and the hangover, headache, sickness, sweats, palpitations, depression and anxiety last a week. Did it twice (idiot) never again.
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14 Feb 2019
I was on Wellbutrin and my doctor increased dosage. I went drinking that night. I drank more than normal and all I remember is being at a police station. Apparently I was arrested for disorderly conduct but I dont remember a thing. I had a blackout. Everything is fine now but what a scary night. On that note I had 2 bottles of wine which is something I never do
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17 June 2018
I have a quick story, i drink maybe 6 beers every couple days, i dont know i dont keep track. The other day i decided to take 3 or for pills of my usual, why i dont know , i was depressed or just dont care. (300mg) is normal doe\se. I went to the store on my bike, and everything was fine, proble 2 mile round trip, on the path home, i was walking my bike beacuse i felt weird. i started walking and could not stop leaning to the right, like i tried and i could not help it, i knew if anyone was looking at me i would have no chance of explaining myself. (Johnny Depp on Fear and Loathing) I fell over at least two times, ditched the bike, relized that i was about half way home plus its before the pills should have kick \ed in. It was not fun, walking home like a zombie, trying my best to not draw attention. I did make it home, long story short just stay home if you are going to take more than you are use to. That was miserable.
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20 April 2018
I take this drug and drink regularly. Prob not a good idea but find I do not get a buzz like I used to from drinking and find myself drinking more to achieve that. I know why I drink, it’s a coping mechanism for me, and probably doesn’t help the depression but haven’t had any issues with getting sick or anything for that matter. I find the drug just makes me blah and feel nothing
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17 March 2018
I've taken Wellbutrin (bupropion) for years. Earlier I drank a col times a week but not all the time. I now actually do drink everyday now & have for years. The only thing is to not make a sudden major decrease in your alcohol intake or to suddenly stop when u drink regularly because it greatly increases the chance of seizures.
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16 March 2018
I've been taking Bupropion for 3 months. I'll have 2-3 drinks, once a week (usually on Saturdays). I've not noticed any negative effects from this level of drinking.
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28 Feb 2018
I take bupropion xl was on 300mg now 150mg. I very rarely drank before taking because alcohol does not agree with me. I had two sips of my husband's beer and now up at 1AM with very strange feelings and sensations... Like a bad trip. Sense of something bad happening and numbness in fingers. Just want to sleep and can't. It happened before when I was on the 300mg bupropion when I had cough medicine. I was up all night tripping on top of being sick with a cold. It was hell and every doctor I asked did not acknowledge any interaction could happen. Now just a few sips of Corona and I'm up with the same weird sensations with a lower dose of bupropion and literally 2 sips of beer... I'm freaked out but trying to stay calm and hoping I do not have a seizure. I do not recommend drinking on bupropion!
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17 Feb 2018
I tend to vomit profusely if I drink, even 1 or 2 drinks make me nauseous and give me a headache. This has just been my experience with this medication. In October it will be 2 years I've been on it and this has been an on going problem so I rarely ever drink. The first 2 times I drank on it as well I blacked out right away after a couple of drinks.
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2 Oct 2017
I am on 150mg twice a day, along with quite a few other heavy duty meds and I have a Dailey's frozen wine drink with 1oz of rum mixed with juice almost every evening and have no problems. Had binge nights with friends(like once or twice a year) and had no problems. I think you should heed the warning but still enjoy yourself from time to time. If your pattern is to have 2-3 drinks a week, I'd start off slowly, to see how it affects you and go from there. No one really can tell you what may or may not happen as all medications affect every one differently, mixing in alcohol or not.
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12 Aug 2017
I've been using Effexor over the last year and drinking alcohol wasn't a problem. I've decided to switch to Bupropion 300 mg last week. Still drinking alcohol and since then, I've been going through a roller coaster of emotions, ranging from intense highs to difficult depression state... changing from one minute to the next, depending on remarks from colleagues to stories on TV... although I hate that feeling, it's "good" to feel something - after that permanent numbness with Effexor. But I think I'll have to stop drinking completely if I want to stay on Bupropion.
Votes: +1
1 July 2017
I have sever! depression. I'm taking 150 mg twice a day for a month and drink when I damn well please which is 4 to 5 shots 4 times a week bc I am a bartender plus two beers I drink in 9 hours. Then I go home and have 3 glasses of wine in 4 hours. I weigh 178 women. 3 kids. After I put my kids to bed. babies at eight nine year old its summer 930. I waked up at 2, 4, 8, not going back to sleep just laying there waiting. taking care of my three children by myself. I'm happy I have no problems I'm worried about it burning a whole in my stomach or making the medication run faster.
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Susan DiGi
3 April 2017
So I am taking a very low dose of Bupropion to help with ADHD, and with age my alcohol tolerance; not how drunk I get but the day-after effects, has worsened. So my "big night" is a half a bottle of good wine, maybe twice a month, otherwise 1-2 servings a week. But I have noticed that I actually have LESS tendency to get a hangover, particularly the headache and self-recrimination part, now that I am taking this medication. Has anyone else experienced this?
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10 March 2017
I take wellbutrin and drink atleast twice a week heavily without any noticable side effects; but, that could be due to my strong tolerance for medication. To each his own is my advice.
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11 Dec 2016
I went on a drinking binge a few nights ago. I take wellbutrin, geodon, and Xanax. While having 3 drinks I became agitated to the point I was apparently threatening people, left my ride an started walking home. Everything is a blur regarding this night. The sad part is that I was such a mess I tried to overdosing on my meds. Is this normal? I don't drink regularly but did this night. I am nervous for myself and those around me.
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12 Dec 2016
Blue, I don't know about you, but that would be a huge wakeup call for me if I decided to mix alcohol with meds, especially the powerful medication cocktail that you are taking. You are well blessed that you did not have a seizure with this mixture. Learn from this. Do not put yourself into this position again, or your loved ones. I think you pretty much answered your own question when you look at what all happened to you that night. You got a second chance. Heed your situation. Let your meds work, without exacerbating your situation by adding alcohol, a known depressant.