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Bupropion - Has anyone taking bupropion sr started having a problem with hair thinning/hair loss?

4 Answers

WildcatVet 25 Feb 2024

Although all antidepressants (among many other medications) have the potential to cause hair loss bupropion might be more apt to. Still, it's very rare,
Uncommon (0.1% to 1% of users): Alopecia
Talk to your doctor about possibly switching to one with a lower risk such as fluoxetine (Prozac) and paroxetine (Paxil).
BTW, your hair will grow out again after stopping or changing medications.

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bigviews 24 Feb 2024

After a few months of starting Bupropion, which I love, I noticed my hair falling out. After researching the subject of hair loss, Titanium Dioxide was mentioned as possibly causing hair loss, and although it was referring more to sunscreen usage, my pharmacist told me the manufacturer of my 150 Bup. XL listed Titanium Dioxide as an ingredient. My pharmacy was able to change my prescription to a different manufacturer that did not list Titanium Dioxide. My hair loss stopped noticeably. After a few months I wanted to lessen my dosage of Bupropion and unfortunately did not research the ingredients of the only available manufacturer for my reduced dosage. After a few weeks my hair started falling out again, and today I discovered that this manufacturer listed Titanium Dioxide as an ingredient. After reading more about Titanium Dioxide today, it is not only suspect for hair loss but also for cancer. Obviously, I will change manufacturers for my Bupropion. Please look into Titanium Dioxide yourself!

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foresthills3x 20 May 2016

I have been on Bupropion since 1990 and I am now 73. Two years ago I developed a male pattern baldness (receding hair on top left and right and middle). This year I said no more and went and got some minoxodil 5% (extra strength for men) . Am supposed to use it 2x daily every day but I have not been as strict as I should be. However, it is working like a charm and I feel that within a year it should be a lot less noticeable. Knowing that once I stop completely it may revert to hair loss again, I intend to just use it once or twice a month to keep my hair.

I do not know if this problem is related to the antidepressant or my age, but being proactive has made me a lot happier and I feel a lot more feminine.


Regarding the bupropion, it took 3 years and lots of different antidepressants before my doctor tried bupropion and I have to say that I came back to the living through this chemical. For me it has been a miracle and if it was a choice of being bald or not depressed, I think anyone who has suffered the depths of depression would chose being bald. There are always wigs.

I hope this response will help you decide what to do.


Marilyn H.

Votes: +1
bhouse 20 May 2016

Your comment says it all. I too have been taking bupropion a long time and Zoloft & my hair started thinning 2 yrs ago. I'm 69 & I'll take the baldness over depression. I hope I never get like I did a few years ago. Hey, I'm going to try the minoxidil myself. Thx

wannabbetter 16 May 2016

Mostly all the ADs have the potential for hair loss. But, it could be from the combo together of meds that causes hair loss. My hair loss I think is from stress.

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