I was wondering if it were possible to get my Adderall XR (20 mg) prescription filled early due to going out of town for the next week. My Dr. gives me 3 months worth of written scripts with “do not fill until... ” dates. That date has passed quite some time ago (“Do not fill until April 28th.”) due to me not taking it every day and having it filled late the past few months, but it will not be 30 days since my last one was filled until May 18th (6 days from now). I’d rather not have to try and get it filled out of town at a different location, and would like to do it this weekend I just wasn’t sure if they could do this due to a month not being up yet, even if the Dr. written fill date was almost 2 weeks ago. I live in Tennessee if that changes anything and have never asked to get it filled early before.
Thanks for any help!